454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454541414141414145454545454 Samvrit - blocks the inflow of karmas Sanket (7/2/7) (7/2/1)
Sanket-pratyakhyan = abstainment Samvrit Anagaar = an ascetic who has done with specific signs or indications blocked the inflow of karmas (7/7/1)
(7/2/8) Samyag-mithyadrishti jivas = righteous- Sankhya (6/10/11) unrighteous beings (6/4/11)
Sannivesh = temporary settlement Samyagdarshan = right perception (6/5/4, 22; 6/8/4, 21) (7/1/10)
Sanskrit (5/4/24) Samyagdrishti = righteous (5/7/44; 6/3/1, Sapachaya = with de-augmentation 15, 18)
(5/8/21, 23, 25, 27) Samyagdrishti jivas = righteous beings Sapradesh = with sections (6/1/1; 6/4/1)) (6/4/11)
Sapradesh dvar (6/4/6) Samyak-jnana = right knowledge
Sapradeshi = sectional (6/4/-) (5/4/30)
Saptahik Hindustan = a Hindi weekly Samyak-mithyadrishti = the righteous
(6/5/16) unrighteous (6/3/15)
Sar-pankti = row of lakes (5/7/34) Samyaktvakriya = righteous activity (7/4/2)
Sar-sar-pankti = row of lakes connected
with canals (5/7/34) Samyam = ascetic-discipline (5/5/1; 7/8/1)
Saraag = with attachment (6/3/28) Samyat = restrained (5/4/20; 6/3/1, 14,
Saraag ahaarak jiva (6/3/28) 29; 6/4/20; 7/2/1, 28)
Saraag baadar jivas = gross beings with
attachment (6/3/28) Samyat dvar = port of the restrained (6/4/12)
Saraag bhashak (6/3/28) Samyat jiva - restrained being (6/3/18;
Saraag Bhavasiddhik = destined to be 6/4/12)
liberated but having attachment (6/3/18) Samyat-asamyat
Saraag paritta (6/3/28) unrestrained or partially restrained Saraag Samyagdrishti = righteous with (5/4/22, 6/3/14, 18; 6/4/12, 7/2/28)
attachment (6/3/18) Samyat-asamyat jivas = restrained- Saran = thatched hut (5/7/34) unrestrained beings (6/4/12)
Sarason = mustard (6/7/3) Samyojana (7/1/20)
Sarovar = natural lake (5/7/34) Samyojana dosh (7/1/17, 18, 20)
Sarva = whole (5/7/13) Sanatkumar dev (5/8/19)
Sarva Adattadan viraman = to abstain Sanatkumar kalp = a divine dimension completely from taking without being or the third heaven (6/5/2, 18; 6/8/26) given; to abstain completely from acts of Sanjna = inclinations (7/8/5)
stealing (7/2/4)
Sarva Maithun viraman - to abstain Sanjni = sentient (6/3/1, 16; 6/4/9, 20)
completely from indulgence in sexual Sanjni dvar = port of the sentient (6/4/9) activities (7/2/4) Sanjni jivas = sentient beings (6/4/9, 19; Sarva Mrishavad viraman = to abstain 7/7/28)
completely from falsity (7/2/4)
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