3$$$441414141414141414141414141414141414141414141414 415 416 414141E f Chandra (8/1/24, 31)
Chhaal = bark (7/3/4) Chandra Vimaan Jyotishk devs = stellar Chhadmasth = one who is short of 4 gods of lunar celestial vehicle (8/1/15) omniscience due to residual karmic Chandraabh (6/5/32)
bondage (5/7/37, 38, 43, 44; 7/1/1; 7/7/20- y
22; 7/8/1); a person with finite cognition 4 Chandrama (5/10/1)
(5/-/-); unrighteous (5/5/-) Charam = final (6/3/1, 29)
Chhadmasth maran = non-omniscient Charam dvar (6/3/28)
death (5/7/44) Charam jiva = a being in his final birth Chhadmasth vitaraag = one who is (6/3/28, 29)
detached but short of omniscience due to Charam karma = last karma (5/4/27, 28)
residual karmic bondage (6/3/18, 28) Charam nirjara = last shedding
Chhedan = cut into two (5/7/3, 8) (5/4/27, 28)
Chhedan-bhedan = cut and disintegrate Charam shariri = with terminal body or (5/7/6) destined to liberation (5/3/5; 5/4/17, Chhedopasthapanik Chaaritra - 25, 26)
conduct of re-initiation after rectifying Charika = an eight cubit wide pathway
faults (6/3/18) between moat and rampart (5/7/34)
Chhiravidarika (7/3/5) Chaturdash Purvadhar = scholar of Chhiriya (7/3/5) fourteen Purvas (5/4/36)
Chikkanikrit = smoothly fixed (6/1/4) Chaturindriya (5/8/18)
Chillal = a turbid pond (5/7/34) Chaturindriya jivas (7/7/17)
Chulika (5/1/19, 21; 6/7/5) Chaturindriya prayoga parinat pudgala
Chulikanga (5/1/19, 21; 6/7/5) = matter consciously transformed as bodies of four-sensed beings (8/1/4, 7)
Churnika-bhed = crushing or grinding
into powder form (5/4/36) Chaturmukh = a temple with gates on all four sides (5/7/34)
Chyavan = descent (7/5/2) Chaturyam dharma = four limbed
(D) religion (5/9/15, 16)
Dadhivahan (5/1/2) Chatushk = meeting point of four roads Dalik = clusters (6/3/11) (5/7/34)
Dand = Dhanush; Yuga; Nalika; Aksha; Chatushpad (8/1/28)
Musal; 96 Anguls (6/7/7) Chatushpad sthalachar tiryanch-yonik Dandaks = places of suffering (5/-/-) panchendriya prayoga parinat pudgala
Darshan = perception (5/4/4; 6/3/1) = matter consciously transformed as bodies of terrestrial five-sensed
Darshan-viradhana = fault related to quadruped animals (8/1/10)
perception/faith (5/6/18) Chatvar = a square, court, circus, or
Darshanavaraniya = perception plaza (5/7/34)
obscuring (6/3/10, 11) Chaya = assimilate (6/3/2); acquire
Darshanavaraniya karma - perception (7/1/10; 7/8/9)
deluding karma (5/4/11, 18) Chayati (7/1/10)
Dashavaikalik Sutra (5/1/2) Chetak (7/9/10)
Desh = section (5/7/2, 11, 13)
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