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Ahetu = non-cause (5/7/41, 42, 43); Alok = unoccupied space (5/9/14) cause-free perception (5/7/44)
Alp-asrava = mild influx of karmas Ahoratra = 30 Muhurts; day and night (5/6/9; 6/3/3) (5/1/16, 21; 5/8/15, 19; 6/7/5)
Alp-karma = mild karmic bondage Airun = anvil (6/1/14)
(5/6/9) Airyapathiki kriya = careful movement
Alp-kriya = mild involvement in of an accomplished ascetic or an omniscient with non-vitiating karmas
activities (5/6/9; 6/3/3) (7/1/16)
Alp-vedana = mild pain (5/6/9) Ajiva = non-living thing(5/9/2; 7/7/4, 5, 9, Alpabahutva = minimum-maximum 10)
(6/3/1, 29) Ajiva kaaya = non-living entities (7/10/3, Alpahaari (7/1/19) 6,8)
Alpakarma = less karmas (7/3/6, 7, 9) Ajivas = non-souls (7/2/1)
Alpakarmaa (6/3/3) Ajnana (6/4/14)
Alpanirjara = little shedding of karmas Akaam-nikaran = involuntary (6/1/13) experience of pain (7/7/24)
Alpavedana (6/1/13; 7/3/3) Akaant = not beautiful (6/3/2; 7/6/33)
Amaayi-samyagdrishti = deceit-free and Akaaran (7/1/20)
righteous (5/4/30) Akamaniya = not adorable (6/3/2)
Amanojna = not attractive (6/3/2; 7/6/33) 45 Akaran = without instrument (6/1/7,
Amanushya ahaarak sharira kaaya
prayoga parinat = transformed due to Akarkash vedaniya karmas = karmas
conscious activity of telemigratory body not causing harsh suffering or extreme
of beings other than humans (8/1/69) anguish (7/6/19-21)
Amanushya ahaarak-mishra sharira Akashaayi jivas - beings without
kaaya-prayoga parinat = transformed passions (6/4/13, 17)
due to conscious activity of Akashastikaaya = space entity (7/10/3,
telemigratory-cum-mixed body of beings 6,9)
other than humans (8/1/70) Akhyanti = say (5/3/1; 5/5/2; 5/6/13;
Amit = infinite (5/4/4, 34) 6/10/1, 11)
An-ardh = without halves (5/7/9, 10; Akritakrit = not bought (7/1/20)
5/8/3, 4,5) Aksha - Dhanush; Yuga; Nalika; Dand;
Anaabhog nivartit = in context of nonMusal; 96 Anguls (6/7/7)
voluntary food intake (7/1/4) Alaapak = statements (5/1/17)
Anaabhoganirvartit = unawares (7/6/12) Alasi - linseed; Linum Usitatssium (6/7/3)
Anaadi = without a beginning (5/9/14) Aleshya = without complexion of soul
Anaahoot = not an outcome of an (6/4/10)
invitation (7/1/20) Aleshya jivas = beings without soul Anaakaarupayoga = perceptive complexion (6/4/15)
involvement; darshan (6/3/25, 28; 6/4/16) Almastu = perfect (5/5/1; 7/8/1)
Anaarambh (5/7/30, 31, 33, 8/1/54)
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