55 456 457 456 457 451 45
451 455 456 457 4
44 445 446 447 4454545454545454545454545454545454545454545455 456 457 4541 Vipula = a mountain (2/1/48, 50, 52)
viubbhavemane = glowing viradhak = heretic (3/1/52)
brightening (3/2/32) Viradhit samyamasamyami
viuvvittaye = transmuted (3/4/10) restrained-unrestrained with lapses vivek - discerning capacity or sagacity (1/2/19)
(1/9/21, 24) Viradhit samyami = restrained with viyaddhamane = waving around (3/2/32) lapses (1/2/19)
vrik = wolf (3/5/12) Viraman-vrats = five minor vows (2/5/11)
vyaghat = obstruction (1/1/6 (13-16]) Virasan = a yogic posture (2/1/44)
Vyakaran Shastra = grammar (2/1/12) virya = inner potency or energy (1/3/9, vyakhya = elaborations (2/1/17) 10; 1/4/5; 1/8/11; 2/1/48; 2/10/9; 3/1/29);
vyanjan = marks (2/1/21) semen (1/7/12)
Vyantar Dev = interstitial gods (3/1/3, 11) virya labdhi = endowed with potency (3/6/1, 4-6, 9, 10)
vyasan-bhoot = bad habits (3/7/5 (3]);
emergencies like famine (3/7/4 (5)) viryaheen = without potency, resolve and valour (1/8/9)
vyatikirna = merge (3/1/3, 4; 3/5/3) viryata = potency (1/4/2)
vyavadaan = purification of soul by
extensive shedding of karmas (2/5/16, virya-vighatak karma = potency
17, 24, 26) impeding karmas (1/8/9)
vyavaharnaya = empirical or vish bhakshan = to die by consuming
phenomenal or conventional standpoint poison (2/1/26)
(1/8/8; 1/9/16; 2/10/8) Vishamayushk samopapannak = with
Vyavart (3/8/3) varied life span and simultaneous genesis (1/2/5)
vyavasaya = recitation (2/8/1)
Vyavasaya-sabha = hall of recitation Vishamayushk vishamopapannak = with
(2/8/1) varied life span and staggered genesis (1/2/5)
vyavrittabhoji = eating food everyday
(2/1/21, 22) vishaya = subject (2/4/1)
vyavrittachhadma (viattachhaume) = Visheshavashyak Bhashya (1/1/5 (2))
free of masks of ignorance and vishisht (3/1/11)
ambiguities (1/1/4 (2) f Vishisht (Vaashisht) (3/8/3)
Vyutkrantipad = name of a chapter in vishkambh parikshep = length, width Prajnapana Sutra (1/10/3) and circumference (2/3/1)
vyutsarg = dissociation from the body vistar = length (2/4/1)
(1/9/21); to stop activities of the body
and rid oneself from fondness for the vitarag = accomplished ascetic (1/8/11;
body (1/9/24) 1/10/2); completely detached individual (1/2/12, 3/3/14) vitarag atma = detached soul (3/6/8)
(Y) vitaragasamyat = disciplined and
yaan = celestial vehicle (3/4/1, 2, 3) detached (1/2/10, 12, 13)
yajnopaveet = sacred thread (3/5/8)
457 454 455 456 4541414141414 445 446 44 455 456 455 456 457 41
45 455 456 457 451 455 456 457 454 455 454 455 456 454 455 456 454 455 456
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