Udpaan (Dugdhapaan)-dvar
one of the
24 attributes of the sense organs (2/4/1) udvaha = trickling stream (3/7/6 [3]) udvartamaan departing (1/7/5) udvartan departure (1/7/6)
udvartanakran = the process of enhancement (1/1/6 [1])
udvedh depth inside the ground (2/8/1) udvejak restlessness due to separation from loved ones or theft etc. (3/7/5 [3]) udvritta departed (1/7/5)
udyotit = illuminates (1/6/2) ugra extremely severe (1/1/4 [3])
Ugratapasvi = a level of severity of austerities difficult for an ordinary person to reach (1/1/4 [4])
ulkapat = falling of meteors (3/7/4 [5]) upachaya (upachit) to augment the assimilated food with other matter particles (1/1/6 [1]; 1/7/15; 1/9/26, 27); augmentation of karmas; reorganization of karma particles aimed at premature suffering (1/1/6 [1]; 1/3/3, 6)
upadhyaya preceptor or teacher of scriptures (1/1/1)
upanah = shoes (2/1/17)
upapadyamaan = in process of being born (1/7/6)
upapat instantaneous birth (1/2/19; 1/10/3; 2/7/2; 2/8/1)
Upapat Parvat (3/1/11)
Upapat Sabha = divine hall of birth (2/8/1; 3/1/13, 34; 3/2/23)
uparaag solar and lunar eclipses (2/9/1)
Uparudra (3/7/5 [4])
upasham = pacification (1/3/13)
upasham shreni= levels of pacification of karmas (3/3/16)
upashant serene (1/6/12; 1/7/22; 1/8/9)
Jain Education International
Upashantamoha = fondness (3/3/14)
having pacified
upasthan upward movement (1/4/2) upasthan kriya = endeavour of upward movement (1/4/5)
upastirna = enshroud (3/1/3, 4)
upayog = intent or sentience (2/10/5, 9); cognition (1/5/6); inclination (1/6/20) Urdhvalok = upper world (2/10/16, 22) Urdhvalok-kandak = unit of time lapse for upward movement or the time taken in traveling upwards to a specific distance (3/2/34)
Usasapad a chapter in Prajnapana Sutra (1/1/6 [1])
ushna agitated (3/2/27); heat (4/10/1) ushnabhoot enraged (3/2/27)
ushna-yonik = capable of being born in hot conditions (2/5/27)
Utkatuk aasan = squatting posture (1/1/4 [3]; 2/1/44)
utkrisht (ukkittha) ever accelerating (3/1/33)
Utkrisht Muhurt-prithakatva = eight to nine Muhurt (1/1/6 [24])
utpaad birth (1/7/6)
utpadyamaan being born (1/7/5)
utpanna (uppanna) = birth; sprouting (1/1/4 [4]); born (1/7/5, 6)
utpat parvat = launching mountain (2/8/1; 3/2/28)
utpatan take-off (2/8/1)
utpatan kaal = upward movement (3/2/37)
Utsarpini (1/1/6 [24]; 3/2/14)
uttam = lofty (2/1/46)
Uttar Nikaya = northern class (3/1/11) Uttaradhyayan Sutra (3/5/14)
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progressive cycle of time.