4141456444 45 46 47 46441414141414141414141414141414141414141414141414 (T)
tatha-bhaava = realistically (3/6/2, 5, 7, 10) Taamluke (3/1/26)
tatharupa = conforming to the Taapas (Tapas) = A hermit who subsists
description in Agams (1/7/20; 1/8/3; on naturally fallen fruits and leaves
2/1/48, 50) from trees. (1/2/19)
tatharupa Shraman-mahan - Jain taapit = heats (1/6/2)
ascetic as described in the scriptures; tadbhava maran = to die after being
having virtues as per the garb (2/5/26) reborn in the same genus (2/1/26)
Tattvarth Bhashya (3/8/6) tadubhayarambhi = who commits sin Tattvarth Sutra Bhashya (3/1/11) himself as well as inspires others to do
Tejahsimha (3/8/3) so (1/1/7 [1], 8 (1); 1/1/9 [1]) taijas = fiery (1/1/6 (1); 1/5/12, 36; 1/7/11;
Tejaprabh (3/8/3) 1/9/12; 2/1/7)
tejas = red (1/2/13; 3/8/3) taijas sharira = fiery body (1/5/13; 1/9/6) tejaskaya = fire-bodied beings (1/1/6 (13Taijas-samudghat = Bursting forth of
16); 1/2/8; 1/5/32) some soul-space-points during launching tejasvi = radiant with aura (2/5/12) fire-power (tejoleshya) (2/2/1)
tejoleshya = fiery or red hue (1/1/9 (1); Tail-dvar - one of the 24 attributes of 1/2/12; 1/5/36; 3/4/12, 13; 4/10/1) the sense organs (2/4/1)
Thiggal-dvar = one of the 24 attributes Tamah-prabha = sixth hell (1/5/11; 2/3/1)
of the sense organs (2/4/1) Tamali (3/1/-; 3/2/19-21)
Thi-ikkhayenam = end of life due to Tamastamah-prabha = seventh hell conclusion of life-span determining (1/5/1, 11; 2/3/1)
karmas; concluding the life. (2/1/54) Tamastamah-prabha prithvi = seventh thilli = chariot or buggy (3/4/5, 10) hell (3/2/3)
tijara = fever after a gap of three days Tamralipti city (3/1/-)
(3/7/5 (31) Tankan (3/2/15)
tikt = bitter (2/1/8) tanmatra = subtle attributes (1/7/17)
Tilak = a tree (1/1/12) tanuvaat = ring of rarefied air (1/6/19,
Tingichchha koot (2/8/1; 3/2/28) 22, 23; 1/9/5, 16; 2/10/18, 22)
Tirthankar (Titthagare) = the religious tap = austerities (1/1/10; 2/5/11, 16, 17,
ford-maker 24-26)
tiryak = transverse (3/2/8, 9) Tapas (Taapas) = hermit (3/1/26, 34; 3/2/20)
Tiryak lok = transverse world (1/6/27; tapta = simmering (1/1/4 (31)
2/10/15, 22; 3/1/17) Taptatapasvi = who has incinerated and
tiryakyonik garbh = pregnancy of disintegrated karmas with the
animals (2/5/3) simmering heat of austerities (1/1/4 (41) tiryanch = animal (1/2/19) tara = stars (3/1/11; 3/7/4 (11)
tiryanch ayushya = life span as nontark = rationality (1/3/14)
sentient animals (1/2/21) tarupatan = to die due to fall from a tree tiryanch panchendriya = five sensed (2/1/26)
animals (1/1/8; 1/5/34)
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