sanina = awareness of input through saraga = having attachment (1/2/12) sense organs (1/3/14, 15); sentience
saragasamyat = disciplined with (1/6/20; sentience (1/9/11)
attachment (1/2/10), 12, 13 sanjni = fully developed; sentient
sarva = whole (1/7/1, 6) (1/2/13)
sarva dravya = all substances (1/9/15) sanjnibhoot
having awareness/righteousness (1/2/5, 13)
sarva kaal = all time (1/9/16) sanjvalan kashaya = evanescent
sarva paryaya = all modes (1/9/15) passions (1/2/13)
sarva pradesh = all sections (1/9/15) sankalp (sankappe) = desire; intention;
sarva samvar = absolute blockage of resolve (2/1/17, 48, 49; 2/8/1; 3/1/25, 29;
inflow of karmas (1/8/11) 3/2/25, 31); inquisitiveness (2/1/24)
sarvadarshi (savva dariso) = all-seeing Sankhittavipulateyalese - after
(1/1/4 (21) acquiring the vipul tejoleshya through his austerities, who has tempered and
Sarvaddha = all time (1/6/21-24; 3/3/15, 16) contained it so that it did not harm Sarvajna (savvannu) = all-knowing anyone (1/1/4 (41)
(1/1/4 (2]) sanzisht = grief or suppression (4/10/1) Sarvakamasamriddha (3/7/7 14]) sankraman - transformation of the sarvakshar-sannipati = all verbal secondary species of karmas from one to knowledge (1/1/4 (31) another with special effort (1/1/6 [1])
Sarvarthasiddha Vimaan (1/2/19) sannichaya = stock of grains (3/7/7 [3])
Sarvatobhadra = a celestial vehicle (4/1, sannidhi = jaggery etc. (3/7/7 (31)
2, 3, 4/3) sannivesh = inhabited area; temporary Sarvayash (3/7/7 [4] settlement (1/1/12; 3/2/19; 3/6/11; 3/7/4
Satavedaniya karmas = pleasure (5), 5 3])
causing karmas (3/3/14) sannivesh-vaha = flooding of large
Satpurush (3/8/4, 6) populated areas (3/7/6 (31)
sattva = immobile beings; entities santhara - ultimate vow (2/1/31)
(1/10/1; 2/1/8, 35, 36) sapaksh = four cardinal direction (3/1/37)
satya = truth (2/6/1)
satyaa = speaking truth (2/6/1) sapaksha-sapratidesh = exactly below (3/7/4 [2])
satyaa-mrisha = speaking truth and lie sapratidik = four
mixed (2/6/1)
intermediate directions (3/1/37)
Saudharm (3/1/17) sapratikarma = allow movement and Saudharm Dev-lok = a divine realm care (2/1/29)
Saudharm Kalp = a divine realm Saptaparna = a tree (1/1/12)
Saudharmavatamsak Mahavimaan or Saptaparnavatamsak = a celestial Vimaan = a celestial vehicle (3/2/25, 28; vehicle (3/7/4 [1])
3/7/4-7) Sapt-ratri-divas Bhikshu Pratima savirya = with potency, resolve and 2/1/42)
valour (1/8/9-11)
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