quantity of food required in
ascetic discipline (2/1/34)
Maurya (3/1/24, 26)
Mauryaputra Tamali Gathapati (3/1/25,
Mauryaputra Tamali Tapas (3/1/28) maya= deceit (1/9/1)
mayapratyaya = activity involved in indulgence in deceit (1/2/5)
maya-pratyaya kriya = activity involved in indulgence in deceit (1/2/9, 10, 13)
meetha = sweet (2/1/8)
Mehil Medhil (2/5/17)
Meru (3/7/5 [3], 7 [3]) Midnapur (3/1/26)
mihika = dew (3/7/4 [5])
mishra bhasha = mixed speech (2/6/1) mishra kaal = period of gradual replacement just short of complete replacement (1/2/15-17)
mithyadarshan shalya the thorn of wrong belief or unrighteousness (1/6/11; 1/9/1,2)
mithyadarshanapratyaya involved in indulgence in false perception/faith (1/2/5, 7, 9, 10)
mithyadrishti one having wrong perception/faith; pervert contradicting perception; unrighteous mithyatva = unrighteousness (1/3/9; 1/4/5)
mithyatva mohaniya karma righteousness deluding karma (1/4/5, 6) Mochak (moyaye) the liberator (1/1/4 [2])
Moda (3/7/6 [4])
modak = a spherical sweet (2/10/7) Mohaniya karma deluding karma (1/3/6, 9; 1/4/2, 3, 5, 1/8/3; 2/6/1)
Jain Education International
Moka = a city (3/1/2, 20)
moksha liberation (2/5/11)
mridu gentle (1/6/12)
mrisha speaking a lie or untruth (2/6/1)
mrishavad falsity (1/6/11; 1/9/1)
mrit dead; destruction of karmas. defining life span. (1/1/5 [2])
mritadi = alms eating; one who eats only achitt and faultless food (2/1/8, 9)
Muhurt 77 Lavas (a unit of time equivalent to forty eight minutes) Muhurt-prithakatva anything between two to nine Muhurts (1/1/6 [3], [23], [24]) mukh-vastrika = a handkerchief-like piece of cloth used to cover mouth; also a specially designed mouth-cover (2/5/22) Mukta (mutte) = the liberated (1/1/4 [2]) mukta liberated one
Mukund a drum-like musical instrument of the shape of thunder-bolt (2/8/1)
mula = root (3/4/4)
mundabhaava tonsured or renouncing mundane relations and passions (1/9/24) mundit tonsured (2/1/34)
Naag Kumar = a class of divine beings (1/1/6 [3], [22]; 1/2/6; 1/5/3; 3/1/11; 3/6/15; 3/7/6 [2]; 3/8/2, 3)
Naag Kumari (3/7/6 [2]) Naag-kumarendra Dharan (3/1/11; 3/8/2) naarak infernal being
naarak jiva infernal being nagar city (1/1/12; 3/7/5 (3))
nagar-roag city epidemic (3/7/5 [3])
nagnabhaava remaining unclad or detached from body (1/9/24)
nairayik infernal being
Nairayik ayushya = life span as infernal beings (1/2/21)
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