Lavansamudra = an sea(2/10/21; 3/3/17)
leshya the colour code indicator of complexion or purity of soul; complexion or hue of soul (1/1/9 [1]; 1/2/5-7, 12, 13; 1/5/6, 18, 28, 29 31, 36; 1/6/20; 1/9/10; 3/4/11-13; 4/1, 2, 3, 4/1; 4/10/1)
ocean or
Leshyapada chapter in Prajnapana Sutra (4/9/1)
lingantar = diverse dress code (1/3/15) lobha greed (1/9/1)
lobhopayukta = inclination of greed (1/5/-)
Lohitaksh = a large planet (3/7/4 [6]) Lok occupied space or universe Lokahitakar (logahiye) = the benefactor of all the worlds (1/1/4 [2])
occupied space
Lokakashastikaya entity (2/10/22)
Lokanaath (loganahe) = the master of all the worthy beings of all worlds (1/1/4 [2]) lokant edge of occupied space (1/6/5, 17-21)
Lokanubhaava (3/3/17)
Lokapradeep (logappadive) = the lamp of wisdom who dispels the darkness of ignorance in all the worlds (1/1/4 [2]) Lokapradyotakara (logapajjoyakare) = the spiritual illuminator of all the worlds (1/1/4 [2])
Lokasthiti (3/3/17)
Lok-dvar one of the 24 attributes of the sense organs (2/4/1)
Lok-matra = like Lok (2/10/13)
Lokottam (loguttame) = the eminent among all beings in the Lok (1/1/4 [2]) Lok-pal = protector-gods and supporters of people as governors of different directions (3/1/1, 3, 5, 6, 11, 12, 14, 16-18; 3/7/2-7; 3/8/3; 4/1, 2, 3, 4/2-5; 4/5, 6, 7, 8/1) Lok-praman as large as Lok (2/10/13) Lok-sprisht = touched by Lok (2/10/13) lok-sthiti structure of universe (1/6/25)
Jain Education International
Maagadh = Magadh born (2/1/13, 15, 20, 23)
Maahendra (3/1/18; 3/6/15)
Maahendra kalp (1/5/5; 2/7/2)
maan = conceit (1/9/1)
maanopayukta inclination of conceit (1/5/8, 9, 11, 13)
maayamrisha = betray or tell a lie deceptively (1/9/1)
maayi deceitful (1/2/7); maligned; this includes spiritually torpid and passioninfested (3/4/18; 3/5/15; 3/6/1, 3, 4)
maayi-mithysdrishti upapannak = born with deceit and unrighteousness (1/2/12) maayopayukta = inclination of deceit (1/5/8, 9, 11, 13, 31)
madamb borough (1/1/12; 3/7/5 [3]) madhyama middle (3/10/1)
Maghava (Maghavam) = controller of mighty clouds (3/2/25, 32)
maha = paramount (1/1/4 [3]) Mahabheem (3/8/4, 6)
Mahaghosh (3/1/11; 3/7/5 [4]; 3/8/3) Mahakaal (3/7/5 [4]; 3/8/3, 4, 6) maha-karmi having excessive and heavy karmas (1/2/13) Mahakaya (3/8/4, 6)
Mahanandikavart (3/8/3)
Mahapatal Kalash = gigantic pitcher shaped areas (3/3/17)
Maha-pratima (3/2/22, 28)
Mahapurush (3/8/4, 6)
mahapurush-nirvan = death of great men (3/7/5 [3])
maharaktapaat great bloodshed (3/7/5)
maha-sangram = great battle (3/7/5 [3]) mahashariri = large bodied (1/2/5, 13) mahashastra-nipaat = use of great weapons (3/7/5 [3])
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