F145 46 44 45 46 45 46 47 46 45 44 445 4 Dharmopadeshak (dhammadesaye) the preceptor of dharma (1/1/4 [2]) Dhoom-prabha = the fifth hell (1/5/11; 2/3/1) dhruva = constant (2/1/24; 2/10/2) dhumika = mist (3/7/4 (5)) digdaha = flame-like glowing of directions (3/7/4 (5)) Dik Kumar = a class of divine beings (1/5/3; 3/7/7 (2]) diksha-paryaya = ascetic-life (3/2/22) dimb = problems like riots (3/7/5 (31) Disha Kumar - a class of divine beings (3/1/11; 3/8/3) divas-prithakatva = anything between two to nine days (1/1/6 (3], [24]) Divya = divine (3/1/33) dravya = entity; substance dravya leshya = physical complexion (1/9/10) dravya shrut = written knowledge (1/1/2) Dravya Siddha (2/1/24) dravyalingadhari = ascetic in appearance only (1/2/19) Dravyalok (2/1/24) Dravyasiddhi (2/1/24) dravyendriya = physical sense organs (1/7/10) drisht-bhashit = acquainted with and talked to (3/1/29) drishti = outlook (1/6/20; 1/9/11); perception (1/5/6) dronmukh = hamlet (1/1/12; 3/715 [3]) duhkha = suffering (1/1/3) dukh-sparsh parinam = unpleasant touch (3/9/1) durabhi-gandh unpleasant smell (3/9/1) durantapant-lakkhane = having inauspicious and undesired signs (3/2/32)
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duras parinam = unpleasant taste (3/9/1) durbhoot = creatures causing damage to people and food (3/7/5 (3]) durlabh-bodhi = capable of enlightenment with difficulty (3/1/51, 52) durup = unpleasant view (3/9/1) durvrishti = bad rain (3/7/6 (31) dushprayukta-kaaya-kriya = physical activity of a pervert ascetic with sensual and mental cravings (3/3/3, 7) dvar = attributes (1/5/6, 28, 36; 2/4/1; 2/6/1); sources of karmas (1/2/13) dveep = continent (1/6/20; 1/9/5) Dveep Kumar - a class of divine beings (1/5/3; 3/1/11; 3/7/7 (2); 3/8/3) Dveep Kumari = a class of divine beings (3/7/7 (2]) Dveepodadhi-dvar = one of the 24 attributes of the sense organs (2/4/1) dvesh = aversion inspired by suppressed anger and conceit (1/9/1) dvi-antar - fever after a gap of two days (3/7/5 (3]) dvindriya = two sensed beings (1/2/8; 2/10/11) dvindriya jiva = two-sensed beings (1/1/6 [17]) dvipik = cheetah (3/5/12) dvitiya gum = second part of the statement (3/1/8) dyuti - radiance in terms of body and embellishments (1/7/9; 3/1/3; 3/6/5, 10)
(E) Ek ratriki Pratima = to be practiced for one night (2/1/42, 43) ekanta-baal = singularly unrighteous or ignorant (1/8/1) ekanta-pundit = singularly righteous or enlightened (1/8/2) ekantar jvar = fever on alternate days (3/7/5 (31)
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