accomplished and
alert (not in stupor); alert and disciplined (1/1/7 [2]; 1/2/10, 12, 13; 3/3/16)
aprarthik-prarthak hankering for the undesirable (death) (3/2/25, 29)
aprashast ignoble or unwholesomeness (4/10/1)
apratibaddhata seclusion detachment leading to breaking ties (1/9/17, 19)
Apratihat-jnana-darshan-dhar (appadihayavarananadamsanadhare) = the holder of unlimited unveiled knowledge and perception (1/1/4 (2) Apratihat-pratyak hyat-paapkarma one who has not atoned for past sins by self-criticism and remorse, and not resolved to abstain from sins in future (1/1/12)
apratikarma = total restraint of movement and care (2/1/28)
apratyakhyana kriya = indisciplined action in absence of resolve of abstainment (1/2/5, 9, 10); act and consequence of non-renunciation in terms of karmic bondage (1/9/25) aprishtavyakaran = answer without any question (3/1/7)
apriya not lovable (1/5/14; 1/7/22; 3/2/28)
(apunaravattiam) from where there is no return to the cycles of rebirth (1/1/4 [2])
apurushakar-parakram exertion (1/3/10, 11)
Ar Naath (3/1/41)
aradhak devout (3/1/51, 52)
aradhit successfully performed (2/1/4143,45)
Arahant the detached one (1/1/2)
arambh (aarambh) = to indulge in such sinful activity that harms or kills some living being (1/1/9 [1])
Jain Education International
arambhiki act of violence (1/2/5, 7,
9, 10)
Aran kalp = a divine realm (1/5/5; 2/7/2) archanika = prayer (2/8/1)
ardh = half (1/7/6)
Arhant the revered one in three worlds (1/1/2)
Arhantanam plural of Arhant (2/1/50) Arihant the victor and destroyer of the foes in the form of karmas (1/1/1, 2; 2/1/20; 2/9/1; 3/2/15, 17)
Arihant Bhagavan (3/2/10)
Arihant-chaitya = image of Arihant or arhat-muni (Tirthankar in chhadmasth state) (3/2/17)
arsha bleeding piles (3/7/5 [3]) arth meanings (2/1/17)
arthabandh identify yourself with the goal (3/1/33)
aruja = free of ailments (1/1/4 [2]) Arunavar Dveep a continent (2/8/1)
Arunodayasamudra = an ocean or
arupi formless (2/10/2, 5, 11) Aryaa Parvati (3/1/27)
Asamsar-samapannak non-worldly living beings or souls (1/1/7 [2]; 1/8/10)
asamvrit who has not blocked the inflow of karmas (1/1/11)
asamyam = indiscipline; non-restraint (2/5/9)
asamyat = ignoble; indisciplined; unrestrained (1/1/7 (2), 12; 1/2/9, 10, 19)
Asamyat bhavya dravya dev unrestrained person destined to be a god -(1/2/19)
Asanga (3/7/7 [4])
asanjni non-sentient (1/2/13, 19, 20); underdeveloped (1/2/13)
asanjni jiva = non-sentient being (1/2/19)
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