THE RISTASAMUCCAYA comes to materialize in course of ten years, five years, six months and ten days respectively (st. 115) while the MatP lays down, in clear contrast, that it will be realized in course of a year, six months, three months and one month respectively (242; 17, 18). 5 It further states that the dream dreamt just before sunrise shall
yield fruits during ten days ( 242; 19) while the RS is completely silent with reference to the dream of the dawn.
A little difference apart, both RS and MatP resemble each other in point of good and bad omens. The RS commends 10 the sight of white mustards, umbrella, banner, curds (st. 189) and the courtezan (st. 190) as auspicious and so does the MatP (243; 17, 18, 19, 20). A little technical difference is made manifest by the RS which recognizes the sight of a Niggantha
(monk) as a good omen (st. 189) while the MatP enuinerates 15 Munda (a variety of a monk) among inauspicious omens
(243; 3). The destruction of an umbrella and a banner is alluded to by the RS as bad (st. 191 ) but the MatP goes a step further and brands the falling down also of the same as ovil
(243; 12). There is between them one more funny difference 20 which is evidenced thus: in the RS the sight of a woman in menses (st. 178 ) and in the MatP the sight of a dirty man has been counted among bad omens ( 243; 3).
The RS and the YS? The YS also hints at the portents technically called the Arişğas by it (3, 22; page 147). It takes a passing 25 notice and does not care to attach any significance but that they foretell death. So the effect, good or bad, of a certain prodigy is not to be found therein. In the YS, the whole realm of portents is broadly divided into three groups, namely, physical, mundane and divine. The knowledge of them z all gives us simply an insight into the whenness of the death
(loc. cit.). The first group generally consists of such abnormal occurrences as the inability to hear a peculiar indistinct sound when the ears are closed and the incapacity to see when
the eyes are steady (loc. cit.). According to the RS, the first 35 event hastens him to death in course of seven days (st. 139 ) and
the second brings sudden death (st. 140). The second group, in the YS, refers to such phenomena as the sight of the
1 See App. VII, pp. 99f.
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