THE RIŞTASAMUCCAYA short'. The caesura usually occurs after twelve Mātrás. There are three principal varieties of a Gāthā according to GL (See sts. 17-20 ), namely, Pathyā, Vipulā and Capalā and according to KD there are further more three sub-varieties of the s last two (II, 8). Among the metres which can be derived
from the Gāthā, by the addition or omission of a few Mātrās, three, namely, Gīti, Udgīti and Upagiti are more noteworthy (See GL, sts. 26, 27 and 28 ). They were also styled as the
Udgātha, Vigāthā and Gātha (op. cit. sts. 63, 64). According 10 to the same source, there are two other types, also, named Gähiņi and Khandhao (op. cit. st. 65 ).
In the present work, the author has tried only the Gātha metre. At the end of the work, he has used the remaifea
(See sts. 257, 258 and 259 ). At eight places he has employed 15 the varieties of the Gāhā metre, namely, the Mukhavipula
(sts. 1, 154 and 212 ), the Udgātha, better called the Gīti, ( sts. 63, 173 and 187 ), and the Gātha, also called the Upagīti (sts. 228 and 233 ). The emendment of the st. 228, in the
first half, is quite necessary but we can dispense with the 2009 and also take the stanza to be an example of the Gātha,
The st. 233 ought not to have been emended because it can, as it is, represent the variety of the Prākrit metre Gālā, called the Gātha. So also the author can be justified, as far as the st. 63 is concerned, if we take the metre attempted there to 25 be the Udgātha. The stanza, then, is not at all defective metrically. There are only two stray cases of the Gaņa-fusion as is evident from the sts. 56 and 172. It is clear from the emendations made in the text that almost all of them are based on the considerations of context, grarnmar, construction 36 and subject-matter. Thus it can be said with justification that
the author has shown good command on the use of at least one prevalent Prākrit metre called the Gähā.
(v) THE RS-A COMPARATIVE STUDY: I have attempted below a comparative study of the RS with the well-known 35 representative works of the Jain and non-Jain literatures.
1 cf.
TT TT SEAT FOTOg ugati तह गाहे बिअअद्धे छटे लहुअंविआणेहु ॥
PP, p. 110; 56.
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