Standpoint, 63, 29-36; 84, 1-19 Daśaprakirnaka, p. 72, 1 (N); p. 74, 12 Greek Standpoint, 61, 6-30
(N); 15 (N) Roman Standpoint, 61, 31-35; 62; Dates, pierced by wicked planets, 237(T) 63, 1-28
Day-break, 67, 11 Conflagration, 64, 7
Death, 56, 3, 4, 11; 70, 3; p. 69, 1 (N) Constellation, 243 (T)
Death, after one month, 27 (T) Addă, many days, 245 (T)
causes of, 10 (T) Aşurāhū, twonty ,,248 (T)
consideration of, 106 (T) Asilesā, many , 246 (T)
excellent, 14 (T) Assini, ten ,, 244 (T)
father's 46, 11 Bharani, inny ., 9:14 (T)
from discasos, 10 (T) Citta, ono dill, 2.17 (T)
,, falling from a precipice, 10 (T) Dhanitthå, fortnight, 249 (T
fire, 10 (T) Hatthit, eloven days, 247 (T) Jitthâ, many , 2.18 (T)
poison, 10 (T)
, snako-bite, 10 (T) Kattiyă, seven ,, 244 (T) Mahă, month, 246 (T)
, water, 10 (T) Migasira, ten days, 245 (T)
» weapon, 10 (T)
if all the Ayas are Alingiya, Daddha Māla, twenty-four days, 248 (T)
or Jaliya, 169 (T) Punavvasu, fortnight, 245 (T)
if the Ascendant aspected by malefics, Pussa, ten days, 245 (T) Puvva Bhaddavaddā, many, 250(T)
241 (T)
if the Ascendant associated by 1 Plagguni, seven „, 246(T)
malefios, 241 (T) Puvvásădhā, one day, 248 (T)
if the Ayas are Ruddha, 219 (T) Rovai, twenty-one days, 250 (T)
if tho Āyas aro Ruddha and of the - Rohini, five ,, 24(T) Säi, seven , 247 (T)
same but inimical category, 214 (T)
if the Ayas of the inimical category Savana, five ,, 249 (T) Sayabhisä, twenty , 249 (T)
are behind, 219 (T) Uttara, ten ,, 249 (T)
if the constellations etc. pierced by
wicked planets, 237 (T) „ twenty , 250 (T)
if the first word is „ twenty one ,, 246 (T)
inauspicious, Visāhā, ten „, 247 (T)
184 (T)
if the moon in the eighth aspected County Folklore, 67, 3 (fn)
by malefics, 242 (T) Cow, 69, 27; 71, 13
if the moon in the eighth associated black, 70,6
by malefics, 242 (T) CORYAT, 59, 1 (fn)
if the remainder is a zero, 162 (T) Cromwell's death, 64, 17
if , , , even, 161 (T); Crow, 64, 23; 69, 26
162 (T) Crudities, 59, 1 (in)
imminent, 26 (T); 28 (T); 32 (T); 48
(T); 49 (T); 58 (T); 59 (T); 61 (T); Culture, 67, 12; 69, 19; 70, 13;179 (N)
62 (T); 64 (T); 78 (T); 79 (T); 80 and civilization (Babylonian), 63, 32
(T); 84 (T); 132 (T); 134 (T); 140 . (Roman), 61, 33
(T); 142 (T) its diffusion, 59, 4
knowledge of, through red lac, 125 (T) Cyclones, 64,8
of the nearest relatives, 46, 11,
prognostications of, 252 (N) Dacata, 68,
victory ou, 36, a
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