HĀLA MARRIES LĪLĀVATI AND GETS MANY A GIFT 1283-1328 1283-1328) The celebration of the wedding festival started with various entertainments. The king (Hala) was ceremoniously bathed (Described 1285–90 ), in a pompous luxury, by Kuvalayavali and others. Received and led by Nalakūvara and others, he reached the magnificent residency (Described 1294-96 ) of Silāmegha. He was received there with due formalities, and he circumambulated the wedding fire in company of Lilāvati. A Sinhalese girl waved auspicious lights for him in tune with bardic acclamations ( Described : 1304-10). The king retired to his bed chamber with Līlāvati in the evening. Next morning he was given various miraculous gifts: Invisibility ( antar-dhāna) by the Siddha king (i. e., Malayānila ); Inexhaustible Treasury (akşaya-kośa ) by the Yaksa king (i. e., Nalakūvara );: Movement in the Air (divi gamana ) by the Gandharva king (i. e., Citrārgada); and Ageless Elixir (vayah-stambha. rasāyana ) by Haṁsa. [All of them started for their respective places ). Receiving all their gifts and blessings, and after worshipping Isvara and saluting the nude Pāśupata, the king Sātavāhana accompanied by Lilavati started towards his metropolis. Silāmegha also went to Simhala-dvipa after giving precious gifts to Līlāvati. The king was happy in the company of Lilāvati and Vijayānanda. Soon he reached the glorious town of Pratisthāna (Described 1322-26). He went to the grand temple ot Pärvati in the centre of the town, saluted her feet, became free from sin and then retired to his palace.""""
1283) PIATII, FAT or wataar (above) = 87189921, embraced. 1284) 2017 - Salaa. 1285) + AFTS (that is how the P-gloss requires to be read). 07 is not a conjunct consonant here; so the second gaña is of four shorts; see the notes on 115. 1287) F y for Teat? 1291) Note that the white colour appears to be auspicious for the bride-groom; in the FATISFEI, II, FARFAR drives to the marriage perdal on the back of a white elephant ; 99391.pa रारूढो ( p. 77). 1295) उल्लेचो ( here उल्लोय) वितानम् a canopy, दे० ना. 1. 98.; cf. with the second line, gelagugglagataiita (FATI p. 79). 1297) Lit. +37877 +falau, cooked rice and curds. afouti means a tray; 3901 fitfag Aiga AIRONE F
IT Mais, nei a quel 1° p. 64. The P-gloss explains तलिया by आरात्रिकपात्रम्. .The commentator's explanation चरणकमलqef has possibly in view another sit word used in some Jaina works (see PSM) where it is tak-n to mean 39197, a. The idea of a ll too is not quite clear. 1298) e for R? He appears to have halted at the door for certain ceremonies. I am tempted to quote in this context a passage from the समराइच म्हा when सिंहकुमार comes to the marriage pendal : धरिओ य तस्स दारे विसेसुजलनेवच्छेण गहियग्घसकारेणं अम्मयाजणेणं मग्गओ'आयरिमय'ति । तओ हरिसवसु'फुल्ल लोयणो जाइयभहिय दाऊण ओइण्णो करिवराओ। भग्गा य से रयणकंचीसणाहेणं सोवण्णमुसलेणं भिउडित । तओ मंडवतलम्मि जणनिवहं निरुभिय नीओ समागमसुंदरी हैं वरो ॥ चिट्ठइ य जत्थ सियवरदुगुलपच्छाइयाणणा वहुया। सरयम्भचंदमंडलसंछाइयकोमुइनिसि व्व ॥ काराविओ सलीलं अविरुज्झंताइ कोउयाई च । ता जाओ मुहच्छ वफेडावणियं च सहियाहि ॥ तओ ईसि विहसिऊण 'ममं चेव एयं सकज' ति भणिय दिनमायारिमयं ful girl pp. 77-3. 1299) The first line closely agrees with that of a
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