-1019 ]
1008-63) Seeing the king desperate with disappointment, the teacher Nagarjuna requested him not to succumb to death like a common being but try to achieve great powers. He proposed to the king that he would take him to Patala where life is longer, without old age and disease; and the pleasures are eight times more than in heaven. After a good deal of thought the king welcomed the idea. He gave the kingdom to his son; and being led by Nagarjuna, he started from the metropolis and entered the forest on the banks of Godavari, causing a great sorrow to one and all behind. His party consisted of two hundred servants, two hundred princes and a hundred poets. Led by Nāgārjuna and accompanied by Vijayānanda, the king reached the opening of the cave, the gate of which was guarded by a terrific lion. Ignoring it they went ahead. Then they reached a second gate which was closed by a big slab of stone and attended by the party of Heramba. It was opened with due formality, and thereafter they saw the temple of Isvara in the centre of a luxuriant garden, full of fruit and flower trees ( Described 1026-32). After offering prayers to Isvara (the lord of Bhavăni ) they reached the third gate heavily closed with a golden door and bolt and inaccessible on account of terrific serpents. There stood a gallant youth eager to enter Patăla but restrained there by wicked serpents. On seeing the king the serpents fled away in different directions, setting that youth free. The young man hailed the king as his liberator and expressed his sense of obligation to him. He introduced himself to the king saying that he was Madhavanila, the beloved son of the Siddha king Malayanila, the resident of Malaya. The king was extremely happy to hear all this, and disclosed to him that it was the ring in his possession that rescued him. The prince recognised his ring and eagerly asked the whereabouts of it. The king told him all about Mahānumati. He felt very happy, and a bit relieved that he was restrained thus by serpents and that the necklace was taken away from him. He requested them to go to Mahanumati, and he himself went towards the Malaya mountain saying that he would join them after meeting his anxious parents. Further, after opening the golden gates, two ladies approached the king saying that it was the palace of Ratnaprabha who was pining for his sake. Nāgārjuna, on behalf of the king, asked them to convey to her that her palace could be reached after great difficulties but that they could no longer halt there unless Madhavanila is made happy. After saluting Isvara, the king started home with Nagarjuna. He bathed in the stream of Godāvari and rested in his palace. There was a great festivity on the king's arrival.
1010) Note the use of Dative here: 481241 etc. Note tigania is sing. 1012) go up for the wise, in the case of the wise. 1015) In the com. rather at for a 1016) Note that ang is being styled as a 1978. 1017) Though the documentary evidence is not quite favourable, the qieras given by P deserves some attention 1018) The variant readings of Kare : Fiat, A3, laageusit, 41457°, Farmait, fakio. 1019) ner is not usual in Sanskrit, better
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