This Glossary is an alphabetical Register of all the words occurring in the text of the Lilavati, critically edited here, as well as of important various readings connected with them. The words are noted as they are found in their nominal and verbal formations in a certain context. The words in a compound expression, which are phonetically intact, are noted individually as they stand; a non-initial member of a compound expression, however, is prefixed with a head-line zero, if its first syllable shows some phonetic change not ordinarily allowed for an initial syllable. Though every word is separately noted, some expressions containing two or three words are allowed to remain now and then especially to illustrate samdhi or vowel combination. The non-initial member of a coalesced group of words is prefixed with a sign of addition ( + ) to indicate that it has been taken out of a joint expression. Expressions like sahariso are noted as they are; in some cases words like hariso are separately indexed as well. The last member of a bahuvrihi compound is likely to show, when noted by itself, some strange formations which need not bewilder an intelligent student.
References are to verse-numbers. If a word belongs to foot-notes, then the verse-number along with the number of reading is given, for instance, १७०76. If a word comes from the prose passage, then the reference is to page-number, dash and line-number ; and the variant of the same is indicated by a further addition of the number of the reading, for instance, १३-5 16.
Though this Glossary is prepared primarily to facilitate a grammarian's study of the Prakrit dialect, a Prakrit lexicographer can also utilise the material presented here with great advantage. In most cases Präkrit words are separately shown, if they represent different Sanskrit words.
अइरत्त १०२६9. + अइरम्मं २३९. अइरा ९९१. + अइसओ ८४८. अउण्णाणं ६९१. अउब्व ३३. अउब्वो ३३५.
अ १७०, ६१९ 16. अइ (अति) ३२, ३४,25, ४६, २१८, ५५९, ६१६, ६३१, ६३५१, ६३५३, ६८९, १२०३, १३२९. अइ (अयि ) ९३, ३१८76,
८९८, ९४५,
अइउंत १०२६.
अइति २३२, २८४. अइट्ठ १२, १३-4, ८००. अइउब्वं २१२, २३९. अइर ४८३.
अकय ६८३, ९४०. अकयत्थिएण ४०. अकयं ९१७. अकुणंती ५२८. अकुलीणे १७७. अक्कम्मइ ३८१. अकंत ६९, +९, ५२६.
Jain Education International
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+ अक्कंद ६८९. अकंदिय ६८७. + अक्ख ११२३. भक्खमालिया २०५. + अक्खय १२९७. अक्खयं १३१४. + अक्खर ९६८. + अक्खरत्थं ४८१.
+ अक्खर २६७, ३६०.
+ अक्खराइँ ७११, इं ९५३. + अक्खरे हिँ ६०६, १२०५. + अक्खीहिं ९२२8. अखलिय ८४५. ऊखंडिय ७८८.