of both Jaina and non-Jaina Prakrit works (with their Sanskrit commentaries etc.), such as Pravacanasara, Paramātma-prakāśa, Kamsavaho, Uşaniruddham, Candralekhä Saṭṭaka etc. and by his solid research contributions, to mention only a few, such as, The Present Position of Prakrit and Pali, Jaina and Buddhistic Studies and their Future; Harişeņa and his Dharmapariksa in Apabhramsa; Dhurtakhyāna: A Critical Study; An Essay on Prakrit Literature, etc. This edition of Lilävai Kaha is an additional, specific proof of his editorial skill and deep critical faculty.
Four years back, in my General editor's Preface to the Candralekha Saṭṭaka, edited by Dr. Upadhye and published in our Bharatiya Vidya Granthamalā, I had expressed a hope about him in this manner: 'We believe, and we have great hopes that in the near future Dr. Upadhye will give us many valuable Prakrit works with learned Introductions which are usually the results of his extensive study and mature scholarship. So it gives me immense pleasure to see my hope more than fulfilled by this edition. Dr. Upadhye is keenly interested in the progress of the Singhĩ Jaina Granthamālā and is extending to us his hearty cooperation in its conduct and publication; so on behalf of its munificient patrons and ardent lovers of learning, Sri Rajendra Singh Singhi and Sri Narendra Singha Singhi, the worthy sons of the late lamented Sri Babu Bahaddur Singhaji Singhi, the founder-patron of the Series, and on my behalf I offer my hearty greetings to him. It is through such mutual cooperation and good will of righteous scholars that the publication of our rich literature and the progress of scholarship connected with it are possible. In this connection what the Author of Lilavati has observed in the following gatha is most apt:
जयंति ते सज्जणभाणुणो सया वियारिणो जाण सुवण्णसंचया । अट्ठदोसा यसंति संगमे कहाणुबंधा कमला करा इव ॥ १२ ॥
Jain Education International
Jyestha Srutapañcami Samvat 2005
(1, June 1949)
Singhi Jaina Sastra Sikṣāpītha Bharatiya Vidya Bhavana, Bombay.
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