He proceeded towards the Ganges. On his way he has come here, and is now eager to know what to do further. It is only the practice of austerities and the cultivation of religious virtues that can remove the sin. In due course, with the pressure of his passions subsiding, he was given dikşā by Dharmanandana (Pages 64.14-72.17; *21.17-*24.30).
5. INFATUATION—BIOGRAPHY OF MOHADATTA: Dharmanandana continued that moha (infatuation) unbalances the mind, dislodges the sense of discrimination, and leads to all-round ruin. This is obvious from the career of this handsome person, seated here, who never understood what is right or wrong; and it is worth hearing.
A stern king Kośala by name ruled in Kosala (described 72.34-73.2) the capital of Kosala (described 73.30-34). Prince Tosala was his worthy son who moved freely in the town. One day he saw a beautiful girl behind the latticed window of the Banker's palace; he gazed at her with passionate affection, and she responded favourably. When it grew dark (described '73.16-18), he equipped himself properly and managed to get into her private apartment where she was all alone (73.22-24). With stealthy steps he closed her eyes from behind; his touch thrilled her; and she could identify who he was. The gallant prince was about to leave her, respecting her fidelity to chastity; but she detained him on account of her surging passion. She was, she disclosed, Suvarnadevā (-devī), beloved daughter of the local banker Nanda and his wife Ratnarekhā. She was married to Haridatta, son of Vişnudatta. Her husband went to Laňkāpurī for trade, some twelve years back, and nothing was heard of him. This unfortunate separation had made her restless, and the passion of youth was surging up beyond restraint. In a despondent mood, when she wanted to commit suicide, she saw the prince from the window; and their eyes responded favourably. She wanted him to behave in such a way that she suffered no humiliation in the family for her immorality. Either he should be her nātha (whom she would follow), or she would die; saying this, she embraced him. They spent many happy nights together thus, and she became pregnant. The scandal was whispered all round and reached the ears of Nandaśreşthin who reported the matter to king Kośala for investigation that his daughter, though guarded, was being molested by somebody. The king ordered his minister to behead prince Tosala who was found guilty of this crime. The minister, accordingly, led the prince to the cremation ground; but, hesitating to kill him, asked him to disappear anonymously to an unknown place. The prince ran for safety and began to serve as a common man under king Jayavarman at Pāțaliputra. Suvarnadevā came to know, while she was spending her time in humiliation and anxiety, that the prince was beheaded by the minister on account of her. She managed to teáve home and flew from the town, and could join a caravan bound for Pāšaliputra. Due to her physical disability, she lagged behind, missed the track, and started treading her way, full of suffering and fear. She wept and wailed; and she fell unconscious, when it was night-fall (described 75.21-28). Coming back to her senses, she was at the end of her wits in that dead of night. The period of pregnancy was full; and in that hopeless and helpless condition, she Rave birth to twins, a girl and a boy on whom now she looked for support and
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