some consolation and courage. He proceeded homewards deciding to give half of the jewels to his friend's successors in the family. Just then, to his joy, there arrived Māyāditya who, in all hypocrisy, narrated a fictitious tale of his lonely adventures how he was arrested as a thief and detained there, how, under the guidance of a maid servant, he escaped the fatal ordeal of being offered as bali to a goddess, and how he came over here, ever yearning to meet him. Both of them crossed the river Narmadā, but missed the way and entered a thick forest (described 60.15-24). In the terrific heat of summer (described 60.26 to 61.1) this straying through that awful jungle was a torture for them. As the package of jewels was slipping down from the loins, Sthāņu requested Māyāditya, to the latter's satisfaction, to take it. They reached an ancient Vața tree, and close by there was a deep well with no means in the vicinity to take out water. Māyāditya thought that there was an opportunity for his wicked plans. He requested Sthāņu to see at what depth the water was there in the well that he might prepare a suitable creeper-rope. While he was doing it, Māyāditya pushed him into the well: luckily he fell into the water, with little hurt to his body. On account of his innate goodness, he could not convince himself that his friend Māyāditya had pushed him into the well. While Mayaditya was, on the other hand, feeling joyful at the prospect of having all the ten jewels for himself, a party of robbers headed by Sabarasena overpowered him, took the jewels, and threw him bound-alive in a thicket. On their way, one of the robbers wanting to take out water from that well saw Sthāṇhu inside, and, under orders from his master, took him out safely. They all wondered at his goodness, credulity and respect for his treacherous friend, and handed over to him the five jewels of his share, warning him, however, to be at a distance from a friend like that. Sthāņu searched out his friend, bandaged his wounds, and shared equally those five jewels. Māyāditya felt remorse now, and decided to enter fire to expiate his sin of treachery towards a friend. The village elders in their colloquial language (63.18-26) analysed his sin; and the chief among them asked him to dip in the Ganges and die there fasting for washing the stain of his sin. On his way he has come here. When he sought further light and guidance, Dharmanandana advised him to seek shelter in the words of Jina, and finally gave him dikṣā seeing that his Karmas were sufficiently quieted (Pages 56.10-64.13; * 18.5- *21.15).
4. GREED BIOGRAPHY OF LOBHADEVA: In the village Uccasthala (described 65.1-2), situated to the south-west of Takṣaśila (described 64.28-35) in Uttarapatha (in the Madhyama-khaṇḍa to the south of Vaitāḍhya, in Bharata Varṣa, in Jambudvipa), there lived a sarthavāha's son, Dhanadeva, sudra by birth, who spent his time with other sārthavaha youths. As he was highly greedy, deceitful and avaricious of other's wealth, he was nicknamed Lobhadeva by which he became well-known. Lobhadeva told his father that after all the family wealth was there, but he wanted to increase it by trading in Dakṣiņāpatha. The horses, conveyances etc. of the caravan were ready. His father indicated to him the possible dangers and instructed him in tactful behaviour to suit an emergeny (65.15-19). He reached Dakṣiņāpatha and camped at Soparaka with an old Śreṣthin (guild-head, banker). In due course, he sold horses and earned
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