9966), p. 121, proposes that this Kşamāśramana Yakgadatta might be identical with Yakşadeva who was patronised by Nāgabhata I. For details the reference is given to a paper "Original Capital of the Imperial Pratihāras' in the Bharatiya Vidyā, XVIII, parts iii-iv, pp. 74-80. He had many pupils, known for their austerities and gift of speech; and it is they who had got constructed many temples of Jina on account of which the Gurjara-desa became attractive. 12) This gāthā is found only in J. It is amplificatory of bahuyā sīsā and mentions six pupils of Sivacandra, namely, Nāga, Vịnda, Mammata, Durga, Agnisarman and Vateśvara. 13) It is the sixth pupil, namely Vateśvara, that is meant by tena. He had a Temple of Jina built at Akāśa-vapra-nagara. A careful scrutiny of the variations seen in J and P in lines 11-13 clearly leaves the impression that the draft of J is subsequent to the draft of P. That is, J is rewriting what was already there in P, so far as this prasasti is concerned. The pronoun tena in singular refers only to Vațeśvara when six of the pupils are mentioned here. P reads at 31Tff TOTIUT for which J has जिणालयं तेण णिम्मवियं रम्म. The expression तस्य महदंसणे च्चिय is more appropriate with the reading of P, along with which it stood originally, than with the reading of J which came to be substituted in the revised draft. 14) The pupil of Vatesvara is Tattvācārya. One can ever read
74-945-T as a compound expression. 15) Among his contemporaries, not so quite laudable, he had an outstanding character. 16) The author of this work namely Ecata is a pupil of Tattvācārya; he composed the HOT after having had a vision of and inspiration from ह्री देवी; and he was known as दाक्षिण्यचिह्न. 17) After giving his descent in the ascetic hierarchy (हरिगुप्त >देवगुप्त >शिवचन्द्र>यक्षदत्त>नाग-वृन्द-मम्मट-दुर्ग-अग्निशमन and वटेश्वर>तत्त्वाचार्य>उद्द्योतन i.e., 14 ), he now gives some details about his instructors or teachers in different branches of learning. Acārya Virabhadra (asthāvarah kalpavrkşah) was his Guru who taught him Siddhānta and Haribhadra, a prodigy of manifold learning, taught him Yuktiśāstra or pramāņa-nyāya (P reads TATUTTGU). 19) After giving his ascetic and tutorial parentage or ancestors, Uddyotana gives his natural parents. In the town of Mahādvāra, there was a dutiful Kşatriya, Uddyotana by name. This line is found only in J. FT for TAT is a misprint in f. n. 19. 20) Samprati also can be taken as a proper name; in that case Vateśvara is the popular (and alternative) name. P calls him 16T. In case samprati is not a proper name, the implication would be that Vateśvara is a recent, if not contemporary, ruler. Our Uddyotana, the author of Kuvalayamālā, is the son of Vatesvara. So his natural parentage is of a Ksatriya ruling family: Uddyotana > Samprati alias Vateśvara > Uddyotana. He had the name of his grand-father, not in any way unusual. Vațeśvara happens to be the name of his father as well as of his grand (ascetic) teacher. 21) The author mentions here the place where this work was composed. Jāvāliura or Jalor was rich in temples and Srāvakas or Jaina laymen. It is there that Virabhadra (possibly the same as one, noted above, from whom the author received lessons in Siddhānta) got constructed a lofty temple dedicated to Rşabha-Jinendra. While staying in that temple, Uddyotansūri composed this work and completed it on the 14th day of Caitra Krsnapakşa. So far as P is concerned, the matter continues very well with line 5 on the next page. In Sain. 915, i.e., A.D. 858, just after 80 years after the completion of the Kuvalayamālā, Jayasimhasūri composed his Dharmopadešamālā-vivarana (Singhi Jain Series, No. 28, Bombay 1949, pp. 228 f.) at Nagaur (possibly then included in Gujjarattā, or Gujarāt) during the reign of Bhojadeva (to be identified with Mihira Bhoja, c. 840-90, whose dominions included the Cis-Sutlaj districts of the Punjāb, most of Rājputānā, the greater part, if not the whole, of the present United Provinces of Agra and Oudh and the Gwalior territory', see V. A. SMITH, The Early History of India, 4th ed., p. 393). He gives the genealogy of his ascetic predecessors. Devavācaka was succeeded by many teachers (sūri); then comes Vadasara (= Vateśvara), styled Kşamāśramana; his pupil was Tattvācārya (who was suprasiddha); he was followed by Yakşamahattara, Krsnamuni etc. These names remind us of Devagupta, Vateśvara and Tattvācārya mentioned by Uddyotana. It is not unlikely that they are identical. According to P Vateśvara was styled Kşamāśramana.
Page 283–lines: 1) Lines 1-4 are found only in J: obviously they are an addition in the revised draft, supplemeniing a few new facts and ideas. When this work was completed at Jalor, Sri-Vatsa-rāja was the contemporary (jaiyā) king; he is called rana-hatthā. Dr. DASHARATH SHARMA in his address at the History Congress mentions that Vatsarāja's coins are available.
(Singhi Jain
Garat) during the reign
Sutla districts of the Punya and Oudh an
V. A. SMITH's. Devavācaramana; himuni etc.
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