The Kuvalayamālā, Part I, containing the Prakrit Text accompanied by Various Readings, was published in 1959 as No. 45 of the Singhi Jaina Series. Subsequently the Kuvalayamālā-Kathā-Samkṣepa of Ratnaprabha-sūri was issued separately as well, in 1961, with a short Preface. In this Part II are now included an English Introduction, the late Dr. V. S. Agrawala's 'A Cultural Note on the Kuvalayamālā,' the Kuvalayamālā-Katha-Samkṣepa noted above, the Index of Gathas, Notes and other accompaniments at the end. By way of specimen, to illustrate the paleographic discussion in the Introduction, charts of letters from the two manuscripts and photographs of some palm-leaves are also given here.
None regrets more than the Editor himself the delay in issuing this Second Part for reasons beyond his control. In his weaker moments, the Editor even wondered, now and then, whether the Introduction would be published at all; and some portions of it were contributed by him as independent papers to some Journals. The patience of readers is more than tried for which the Editor expresses his apology. His only relief is that at last this Volume is being published in a manner matching the earlier volume.
It is some satisfaction for me that this work, so important from the point of view of the basic ethical values (with a view to removing individual imbalances and bettering human relations), linguistic material and cultural data, which occupied my major time for more than fifteen years, has seen the light of day. I am sure, those who are accustomed to the exacting work involved in editing Prakrit texts from rare Mss, will certainly appreciate my humble labours on this important, classical religious romance of our country. In a self-imposed undertaking which extended over such a long time and on which I was working almost single handed all these years, there are bound to be shortcomings of which none can be more aware than myself. I shall be very happy to receive suggestions from my active colleagues in the field.
It is a pleasure for me to record my sense of gratitude to numerous scholars and friends who have obliged me in various ways in accomplishing this arduous duty. I cannot adequately express my sense of gratitude to Muni Shri Jinavijayaji who kindly entrusted this work to me which he himself had undertaken some years' back. He stood by me all these years and encouraged me in various ways to fulfil this difficult job. I am thankful to the authorities of the Bharatiya Vidya Bhavana for publishing this work in the Singhi Jaina Series. My thanks are due to Prof. S. A. Upadhyaya who is keenly interested in the progress of this Series. It has been extremely kind of Prof. L. Alsdorf, University
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