before Uddyotanasūri, and it appears that Netra was a special kind of figured and coloured silk which according to Samkara was synonymous with prnga. It is new information that figured Chinese silk was given the new trade name of Netra in India (See Harşacarita: A Cultural Commentary [in Hindi ), pp. 78-9 and 149). Somadevasūri (959 A.D.) refers to Netra as a superior silken fabric that was in use in the Rāshtrakūta empire. The Varnaratnākara of Jyotirīśvara Thakkura (about 1400 A.D.) mentions two kinds of Netra cloth mostly according to their different colours. Jāyasi (circa 1528 A.D.) mentions Neta as a superior silken fabric used in the royal houses. Another said: 'I went to Mahilārājya, the kingdom of women, taking men with me and brought gold in exchange.' Mahilārājya was a name applied to several kingdoms; but this was probably the state of Kerala in South India ruled by amazon chiefs. Another said: 'I went to Ratnadvīpa with leaves of the Nimba tree and brought gems from there.' The above is a graphic cross section from the commercial life of India during the 8th century drawing a picture of trade from China to Barabaricum and from Taksila to Sumatra within which brisk commerce was maintained and valuable goods were exchanged by international merchants.
Page 66.28: sijjhai jattā is a Prākrit rendering of the Sanskrit siddha-yātrā that was applied to sea-journey including going and safe return. This had become a technical phrase in medieval literature.
Page 67.1-3: Details of preparation for sea-voyage are given which include the following items relating to preparatory ritual and the equipment of the ship: i) arrangement of boats or ships (jāņavattāim); ii) loading of merchandise (bhamdāim); iii) bringing together other sailors (nijjāmayā); iv) calculation of the duration of the journey both outward and inward (gaạijjae diyaham); v) fixation of the date and time of departure (laggam); vi) observation of portends whether favourable or vice versa (nirūvijjamti nimittāim); vii) making announcements about the journey (kīramti avasuīo); viii) prayers to proper deities (sumarijjasti itthadevae); ix) feeding the Brahmins (bhumjāvijjamti bambhane); x) paying respects to select persons (rūijjamti visitthayaņe); xi) worshipping of deities (accijjamti devae); xii) arrangement of sails (sajjijjamti seyavade); xiii) raising of the mast (ubbhijjamti kūvākhambhae; xiv) fitting the furniture for sitting and sleeping (sayaņe); xv) collecting loads of timber for plank and fuel (kațțhasamcae); and xvi) filling the containers with fresh sweet water (jala-bhāyane).
When the ship was to take off auspicious musical instruments were sounded, conch-shells were blown, auspicious songs were sung, Brahmin āsīsā; and thus in the sound of invocation and jaya jaya the ship took off its voyage, the sails were unfurled, the ropes and riggings were pulled up, the oars began to be operated, the helmsman took observations, the ship fell into its course, favourable winds began to blow: thus the ship started its journey being tossed on the high sea waves.
The ship reached to its destination. It touched the landing, and the merchant got on the coast. It was then the custom to pay a visit to the king by making suitable presents, while obtaining from him his consent or tacit charter to trade in his territory. They paid all the customs, charges and taxes (dittho rāyā kao pasāo). In the trade of precious stones and gems, it was customary not
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