of narration, the various facets of dharma-kathā are as well included. Thirdly,
ery objective of the tale is to illustrate the effects of morbid temper, i.e., of krodha, māna, māyā, lobha and moha under the sway of which are acting the chief characters in this story. If they are to be brought on the right track, religious instruction is the most effective remedy. Lastly, moral instruction is the chief aim of the author, and the entire tale is narrated in such a manner that the erring man and woman should learn the pattern of good behaviour by seeing and hearing what is happening to the characters under various circumstances. The Sramaņic teacher is an adept in this art. The result is that the Kuvalayamālā has become a huge repository of religious discourses put in the mouth of religious Dignitaries; and the element of story will not suffer much, even if these are excluded from the narration. All such discourses may be put together here to see what a vast range of Jaina dogmatics is covered by Uddyotana. First the pages and lines are noted, and against them are enumerated the topics under broad heads: 35.30 f.: The major types of himsā and the reasons or pretexts with
· which they are committed. 36.14 f.: Hells, the tortures etc. therein. 39. 1 f.: The sub-human births (according to the number of Indriyas)
and the miseries etc. therein. 40.13 f.: Human birth, its causes, grades, miseries etc. 42.29 f.: Gods, their anxieties etc. 44.15 f.: A discourse on krodha, māna, māyā, lobha and moha; and their
fourfold gradation (anantānubandhi etc.) with illustrations. 90. 8 f.: An explanation of abhavya, kāla-bhavya and bhavya. 92.12 f.: A conventional description of [Saudharma-]Kalpa and [Padma-]
Vimāna, the birth of a jīva there, the local environments etc. 95.12 f.: Some details of pūjā; see also 132.27 f. . 95.24 f.: Five Paramesthins and the duties of laymen and monk 96.28 f.: Details of the samavasaraņa; See also 217.21 f. 97.27 f.: A discourse on Jiva, its nature, its relation with Karman, its
migration through various births and its liberation. 142-21 f.: A discussion about Dharma, its practice and its objective. 177.28 f.: A graphic glorification of samyaktva. 185.22 f.: A detailed picture of hellish, human and divine beings: their
acts and consequences. 192.27 f.: Symbolically spiritual interpretation of various vocations etc. 201.33 f.: A succinct exposition of the fundamentals of Dharma. 209.18 f.: Rarity of religious enlightenment in human birth, explained by
yuga-samilā-drşțānta. 217.27 f.: Discourse on twofold Dharma. 219. 9 f.: A discourse on five mahāvratas and the attendant bhāvanās. 227.19 f.: An exposition of twelve anuprekşās. 230. 5 f.: A samyag-drsti and his traits.
20 f.: Elaboration of the types of Karmas and their consequences. 242. 1 f.: An exposition of udaya, kşaya, kşayopasama of the Jñānāvara
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