8. This 459% gives the list of ten deities invoked at the time of he bathing of a ft. These deities or #91558 are: F5, 3 , 4, 7, 70, aty, at, रुद्र, चन्द्र and फणीश; they are described here with a specific mention of their vehicle (वाहन ) weapon (प्रहरण ), wife (प्रियरमणी) and a characteristic feature (fa ), as line 23 says.
12. 13 भयलज्जामाणमयवज्जियां जिणवउं पेम्मसमाणगं, the vow of a जिन is like the vow of love or behaviour of love, in as much as it ignores or is destitute of fear, shame, pride and self-respect. Just as a man in love ignores the
love ignores the feelings of fear etc., 80 a fotat ignores these feelings.
17. 9a जीवपक्खिबंदिग्गहपंजरु, (the dead body मुक्ककलेवरु ) was a cage to catch the bird, viz., the soul.
1. 18 समासइ वइयरु, the व्यतिकर, story or narrative is being abridged ( 44186, #hid).
2. 4b qtcucifafasifuges (in the country) where the herds of elephants were reddened with the pollen of lotus flower, 5a que formaT etc. The region of goistaat was so charming that it bore the comparison with TF2ft from which the god of love, TETHUT, the lord of fat, would depart (only) with difficulty. 106 रमइ वइसवणओ आवणे आवणे, the lord of wealth, वैश्रवण, i. e., कुबेर, took delight in every shop, as it had plenty of wealth. 15 39hqiftgut, with the water (atforat, qitu) of tranquility of mind (3947, 5497). 16 TISUT, with the grass (0, TOT) senjoyments (174, TT).
3. 176 fuadeur, with his body filled with horripilation ( 56, FETA) due to joy.
4. 15a gg &fc , when the orders of gf, i, e., , were obeyed, i, e., when the town etc. was decorated at the command of Indra. 17 Bragfour tea, even before the arrival or birth of the अर्हत.
5. 21 daerufe, with flags ( , TTT) fluttering (gova ).
7. 66 णिविधकामावहो, of the जिन who continually or uninterruptedly destroys the god of love or passions. 106 45g r , hard to be practised by dullards and mischievous people, literally means a mischievous bull. forff 955 etc. A wretched camel throws itself or wanders over a rugged cliff (forfettare) for the sake of sweet (##refor) herbs where they cannot be had.
9. 56 u afegua, when the sun turned towards the west, was about to set.
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