nature of spiritual defilement) is here the chief cause of the yoga-seeker attaining his ultimate aim (i. e. of yoga-realization on bis part).
66. The realization of the essential nature of the object under review causes the annibilation of evil tendencies, makes one's mind steady, and is beneficial in this world as also hereafter this is the declaration of those who are an authority on doctrinal matters.
67. In case one's attachment has some woman for its object he should - with a properly trained mind - ponder over the essential nature of a woman, that is, over the fact that she is almost but an aggregate of abdomenal impurities, flesh, blood, excreta, skeleton.
68. Again, he should ponder over the fact that as a matter of sbort run the woman is susceptible to disease and old age while as a matter of long run she is responsible for (the man) being thrown in hell etc., or that as a matter of short run she is fickle in her attachment (for a man while as a matter of long run she is responsible for (the man's death even.
69. In case one's attachment has wealth for its object he should ponder over the essential nature of wealth, that is, over the fact that it is attended by hundreds of troubles in the course of earning etc. (i.e. by those troubles which arise when it is sought to be earned, those wbich arise when it is sought to be protected, those which arise when it perishes), that as a matter of short run it is liable to depart while as a matter of long run it leads to a contemptible next birth.
70. In case one is afflicted with aversion he should ponder over the mutual separateness of souls as also that of matter-particles; (ie. he should ponder over the fact that the person whom he loves and the one wbom he hates are both different from himself; similarly, he should ponder over the fact that things which he finds pleasing and those which be finds displeasing are both different from his body). Furthermore, he should ponder over the fact that as a matter of short run their states (i, e. the states of souls as well as those of matter-particles) are of a fleeting character while as a matter of long run aversion leads to evil consequences in the life hereafter.
71. In case one is afflicted with delusion he should, duly resorting to a logic based on experience, ponder over the general nature of things which consists in their being characterized by origination, cessation and permanence.
72. It is not proper to hold that wbat is non-existent is at the same time something existent, for that leads to undesirable contingencies; and for the same reason it is not proper to hold that what is existent
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