(coming together of right understanding etc.) that brings about (the concerned soul's) connection with mokşa.
3. Right understanding stands for an apprebension of the (true) nature of things, right faith for a belief in the same, while rigbt conduct stands for such activity in relation to things as is in conformity to the scriptural injunctions and prohibitions.
4. From the practical standpoint a soul's relation with (i. e, its possession of the respective causes of right understanding etc. is also to be understood as yoga; this usage follows from the figurative treatment of cause as effect.
5. (Yoga as thus understood from the practical standpoint comprises) attendence on the preceptor, a desire to listen to the scriptural topics and the allied practices all duly performed, as also the obeying of the scriptural injunctions and probibitions as per one's capacities.
6. Through this itself (i. e. through yoga as understood from the practical standpoint) there invariably comes about, in due course and as a result of gradual accumulation, the realization of right understanding etc. of the most perfect type (i. e. realization of yoga as understood from the definitive standpoint).
7. Just as a man who is properly traversing the path (that leads to bis desired city) is called a traveller to his desired city owing to his sure capacity (to reach there) the man who is (properly.) performing tbe (above-enumerated) practices like attendence on the preceptor is here called a yogin (owing to his sure capacity to realize right understanding etc., that is, to become a rogin in the literal sense of the term ).
8. It is a case with all action that an authorized agent employing appropriate means realizes the aim in view through a gradual intensification of the process of fruition; this is particularly a case with a journey on the path of yoga.
9. In this case (i. e. in the case of journey on the yoga-path ) the authorized agent is an Apunarbandhaka* or the like, i. e. a person in relation to whom karmic matter has, in this manner or that (i. e. to this extent or that), lost its capacity to dominate (i. e. to cause bondage) and who is of various types.
10. The person in relation to whom karmic matter has not in the least lost its capacity to dominate is under the sway of this karmic matter and is absolutely upauthorized ( to practise yoga ) owing to his attachment to the worldly life.
A technical term to be explained in Gatha 13,
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