the fault of Durānvaya, as for instance, where the placement of the words Param' and "Śivam' is unhappily clumsy as also that of the word "Amutra' with its initial syllable deleted due to coalitional situation.157 A similar unhappy construction results due to the use of the word 'pankaja' in such a place where the Yati falls after the word, though a part of a compound, in the first half of a Pathyāryā couplet, ibe net result being that the Sastra is more easily identified with panka' than the correct and intended 'Parkaja' at the time of recital,158 In another instance, the position of the word "Sada' remains ambiguous, since it proves superfluous even if construed either with Bibhrāṇaḥ' or “Dhvasta' as can possibly be done.169 The Vaidarbhi style suffers in another verse160 due to clumsy construction. In still another verse the construction involving the necessity to construe the word 'Devatāyāh' (fem.) with Priyaya' (mas,) is unhappily forced due to the poet's anxiety to match 'Devatā' with "Niśā' and Priya' with "Sudhakara'.161
Sometimes the poet neglects grammar in preference to Yamaka, as for instance, where the expression 'Māyāvinā' is used, athough it is difficult to justify it either as an instrumental compound of 'māyā' with 'vinā' or an accusativa one; nor can ‘māyāvida' be taken as an agent in instrumental as the construction would, then, be passive necessiating the verb to be something like 'bhūyate' or 'kriyate in the place of actually used bhavati'; nor, again, can the explanation (māyāvi-Da' taken as a qualificatory compound to solve the problem of construing it with bhavati'; and the whole sentence becomes clumsy due to the presence of the phrase "kimapi vastu yadabhimatam, which must be properly construed in relation to bhavati',162
Among his strange lexical usages, the one that deserves to be particularly noticed is the use of the proper name of the goddess Kamală in a compound in the sense of mundane physical wealth.163 His fondness for alliteration lands him into expressions like 'ravikala' where he intends the one like 'ravikara'.164
The poet has, at least once, faultered in his composition of a quarter of Puspitagrā metre, as in 'rajaniriyamudaratārākendu',166 where a short
156. Op. cit., p. 85(5). 157. Op. cit., Intro, vs. 56. 158. Op. cit., p. 89, vs, 198. 159. Op. cit. Intro. Vs. 48. 160. Op. cit., p. 89 vs. 198. 161. Op. cit., p. 96, vs. 214. 162. Op. cit., p. 98, vs. 221. 163. Op. cit., p. 101(24). 164. Op, cit., p. 89, vs. 196. 165. Op. cit., p. 47. vs. 94 a.
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