grandeur in certain descriptions, as in the one of king Maniratha and his regime, or that of love-sports,"
In a prose frequently interspersed with long metrical passages, it is natural that the poet would generally fail to escape the influence of the metrical rhythm on his ornate prose too. It is easy to discern occasional stray pieces of the quarters of a few metres in running prose of Jinabha. drasuri. Thus, to take a few specimens, we find the pieces of: Anustubh, as in सौराज्यमिव सप्ताह सुप्रतिष्ठित...." or निरकुशतया चक्षुरादिकरण... " or aià fàf...02: Indravajra, as in arif Maliny, as in सदशन वदनश्रीकाभिः ... 64, or कुचकलशविलास... 65 or मुनिरिव विषयव्यामोहं ... : Prthvi as in ganagsaufa...", or nafnften...: Aśoka-puspa-mañ jari-dandaka, as in साधु पहारकावाभि... But it is doubtful if such scattered metrical pieces can justifiably amount to what is known as Vṛtta-gandhi type of prose, which generally incorporates such pieces of diverse metres rather in a single passage.
Following in the footsteps of Bana, Dhanapala, Trivikramabbatta and others, Jinabhadrasuri at times tries his hand at paronomastic phrases which incorporate in their syllabic patterns wellknown my thul gical names like Sridhara, Vaikuntha, Bbima, Dhanada, Kubera, Viuată-nandana, Acyuta, Laksmi, Girisa, the names of metres like Indravajra, and Varisastha, the names of rivers like Narmada, Gambhira, Sadanira, and Karatoya, as also the names of planets from Ravi to Sani in the order of the days of the week beginning from Sunday,74
The scholastic style of Sastric debate the Bhagya style has been utilized in the prima facie arguments of Parlvräjika in favour of free love,76
58. Op. cit., pp. 15-23. 59. Op. cit., pp. 91-92. 60, MRA, p. 38(5). 61. Op. cit., p. 41(5). 62. Op. cit., p. 69(8). 63. Op. cit., p. 54(21). 64. Op. cit., p. 22(2). 65. Op. cit., p. 45(1). 66. Op. cit., p. 46(8). 67. Op. cit., p. 20(1). 68. Op. cit., p. 36(1). 69. Op. cit., p. 22(1) 70. Op. cit., p. 18(5ff.) 71. Op. cit., pp. 29-30
72. Op. cit., p. 31, vs. 70cd.
73. Op. cit., pp. 37-38. 74. Op. cit., pp. 67-68. 75. Op. cit., p. 54.
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