The first Ucchväsa opens with a salutation to the Jinas, to the instructive inaugural religious discourse of Jina and Ganadharas, and to the preceptor of the author (vss. 1-6). Having rejected as out of place the poetic convention of censuring the rogues at the commencement of a treatise (vss. 7-9), Jinabhadrasuri proceeds to praise good people (vss. 10-12). Then follow the tributes to Jaina preacher-poets like Haribhadrasuri, Siddharşi (the author of the Upamitibhavaprapañca-katha), Abhayadevasuri, Municandrasuri and Jinavallabha, Anandasuri and Devabhadrasuri, Hemacandra, Bhadresvarasuri Säntisüri, Ratnaprabhasuri, Ramacandra, Dhanapala, Sripala and Jesala (vss. 13-23). In the the next verse the author further eulogizes the Campu form of Sanskrit romance (vs. 24). The next eight verses are devoted to the evaluation of some essential poetical ingredients like graceful words (surasam padam), avoidance of monotony in sentiment, necessity of displaying scholarship, dispensability of Srigara, and (if it is utilized) the depiction of Raudra its subservient to produce a lasting effect in a romance predominating in Santa, although there might be a scope for all the nine poetic flavours (vss. 25-31). The poet, then, introduces Laksa of Dharkata family, the father of his friendly follower Bilhana, who is praised for his generosity on the occasions of Jaina religious ceremonies and festivals, and adds that it was due to his request that he undertook to compose the present work (vss. 32-37). The next sixteen verses deal with the preceptorial geneology of the author, beginning with the praise of the Brbad-gaccha, Municandracarya, Devacarya, Jinacandrasari, Candraprabhasuri, and Nemicandragani (vss. 38-53). In the next four verses, Jinabhadrasuri informs us about his authorship of the present work, about undesirability of adopting others' works, and works, and about essential popularity of a good poetic composition (vss. 54-57).
The story proper runs as follows :
King Maniratha then ruled in the city called Sudarsana situated in the Avanti region of Bharata-kşetra. His younger brother named Yugabahu was appointed by him as his heir-apparent.
Once upon a time, King Maniratha happened to see by chance Madanarekha, the bewitchingly, beautiful wife of his younger brother Yugabahu, and could not control himself for wanting to seduce her from his personal enjoyment. Thenceforth he began to send various types of presents to her through various palace-maids. Madanarekha too accepted them with due respect to the king thinking that it was out of the latter's affection as an elder for his younger brother's wife.
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