परिशिष्ट ६
PECULIAR LEXICAL AND IDIOMATIC USAGES IN THE MRA (The references are to page and line numbers or quarter number of verses.) [v-verb; m-masculine; f- feminine; n-neuter, ind-indeclinable].
find. Consigned to misfortune, 97, vs. 220, d.
fmfn. Blinded, 97, vs, 218 a,
अबद्धमुखता f. Being given to indiscriminate speech; being loose-tongued. 75, 10.
arfar m.
अभ्याख्यान n. अमृतमयूख m.
भरमात्रम् Ind.
+ wa अवलग्न
Cloud, 148, 8.
Sexual enjoyment; absence of celebacy. 102, 22. False charge; allegation. 102. 24,
The Moon, 85, 15.
Quickly; for a while. 75, 16.
pass, to make one listen; to speak. 90, 3. waist, 45, 2.
m. Night-soil, dung. 83, 9.
regar f. Haughtiness; pride, 125, 7.
आमलसारक m. The cushon-member (of a temple), 11, vs. 42 a.
far. exorcising by waving a lamp. 166, 11 ff.
आवरणचेष्टा f. An attempt at encircling; the act of laying a seige; beseiging.
30, 4,
at fat Var v. To insult. 118, 4.
raft f. An instrument for cutting, 48, 11-12.
औचित्यम् + अ v. To attain propriety; to be proper, 83, 15.
+ V. To assimilate; to pocket. 133, 11. A white thorn apple. 55, vs. 116 c.
कनक m.
f. A Katha (narrated in) Campu (form). 7, vs. 24 d. 2. Deceitful behaviour; deceptive interlude. 58.5. f. wealth. 101, 23.
mf. Golden, 27, vs. 66 b.
afa mfn. Armoured; fortified: secured, 41, 11.
काकोल m. कारस्कर m.
An old crow; wild crow, 51.8. A tree, 49, 3; 109(10).
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