The acārya named Candraprabhasūri listed at number seven was the celebrated founder of the Paurņamika-gaccha. He was the grand-disciple of Ācārya Abhayadeva, and started his own above-named sub-gaccha branching off from the parental Bșhad-gaccha in the year V. Sam. 1119. One might be tempted to take him to be indentical with our Candraprabhācārya who has been credited to have attained the state of Full Moon (Bibhrāṇaḥ purņa-candratām), and who cleared the darkness of evils that had accrued in the gaccha, which was thus elevated in public esteem again. Although the suggestion can easily be read, we are not in a position to accept it on triple grounds that (a) Jinabhadrasuri regards his preceptor to have belonged to the Bșhad-gaccha and not to the Paurņamika-gaccha, so far as the name proper of the gaccha is concerned, (b) that there is no Nemicandra in the line of the disciples of the Candraprabhasūri of the Paurņamika-gaccha, and (c) that our Candraprabhasuri could not have started his own gaccha in the year V. Sam. 1159, when he was obviously very young in age and when both his preceptor Jinacandrasūri and his grand-preceptor Municandrasūri (who died in the year V. Sam. 1178) were quite mature, alive and active. In any case our Candraprabhasüri could not possibly be identical with the founder of the Paurņamika-gaccha, since the latter was a co-disciple of our Municandrasuri, 61 and hence could not possibly be his grand-disciple.
The acārya listed at number nine may or may not have been identical with our Candraprabhasūri. But the line of his disciples does not allow us to take them to be identical, although they were definitely contemporary to each other.
Over and above these, we find one Candrasüri82 who was a granddisciple of Jinacandrasūri, and to whose preceptorial throne Haribhadra. sūri succeeded. But the very difference in the name would preclude the possibility of his ever being identical with our Candraprabhācārya.
Again, the definite information about the works of Candraprabhācārya as given by Jinabhadrasūri serves to restrain one from ever rushing into the hasty identification. None of the Candraprabhasūris listed above are credited with the authorship of the works named Sabdāmbhoja-Bhaskara, Kāraka-mjmāṁsā and Nabheyacarita. Nor are these works found to have been recorded in any of the so far published catalogues of Sanskrit and Prakrit
61. PS, pp ; 168–169:
ततः श्रीमुनिचन्द्रसूरिः । एतदद्वारके स्वगुरुभ्राताश्रीचन्द्रप्रभसूरिः सं. ११५९ वर्षे पूर्णिमा
पाक्षिकं (पूनमिया-गच्छं) प्ररूपितवान् । 62. JPI, Vol. I, p. 343.
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