The Madanarekha-ākhyāyikā (MRA) is a Sanskrit romance in a mixed prose-and-verse style elaborating a Jain mythological story of Madanarekha, a celebrated ideal of womanly fidality in matters marital. The title of the work, styling it as an ākhyāyika', arouses our interest more for the special reason that we have had so far only one known and published literary piece of the genre called akhyayikā', viz., the Harşacaritam of Bāņa, in the whole history of Sanskrit literature. There might have been more specimens of the type as might be surmised from Bboja's reference to the Madhavika. And some specimens of the type might not have been recognized as such due to their misleading titles as in the case of Bāna's Harşacaritam, which, though a 'caritam' is acclaimed to be an 'akhyāyika' by Namisadhu, Bhoja, and Dhanapala unanimously.2
I. The Preceptorial Genealogy of the Author, and his Date :
In the introductory versess of the MRA, the author Jinabhadrasűri has given details about his preceptorial genealogy. He begins with Municandrācārya (Municandrasuri), one of the illustrious preceptors of the Bșhad-gaccha 4 whose two equally illustrious disciples were Devācāryas and Jinacandrasūri.. In the latter's tradition of disciples, Candraprabhācārya followed next to him.7 Our
1. Cf. śr. Pra., Vol. II. p. 427 :
सा आख्यायिकेति कथिता माधविका-हर्षचरितादि । 2. Cf. Namisādhu's commentary on Rudrata's Kvl., XVI, 26; śr. Pra., op. cit.; TM,
Intro. vs. 27 :
हर्षाख्यायिकया ख्याति बाणोऽब्धिरिव लब्धवान् ॥ 3. MRA, Intro. vs. 38-42. 4. Ibid, vs. 38 :
LEITE sffa ...; vs. 41 :
गच्छस्य तस्य भूषणमणिरजनि प्रवचनाम्भोधिः । श्रीमुनिचन्द्राचार्यः सङ्घधुराधरणधौरेयः ॥ 5. Ibid., vs. 44 :
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