We are very happy to place before the scholars of Apabhramsa lang. uage and literature a bitherto unpublished Apabhramsa epic, Neminahacariya, composed by Haribhadrasüri, a disciple of Sricandrasuri. It was composed at Ananillapur in V. S. 1216 (i. e. 1160 A. D.). It is a poem of high merit, Hence Prof. Jacobi edited a portion of this work called Sanamkumaracariya containing 343 verses. No other Apabhramsa poem of epic form written by a Ŝvetāmbara author--except Vilasavaikahā of Sadhāraņa-is available among manuscripts. I am glad to say that this other poem which too is not yet published will appear very soon in the present series.
Nemināhacariya prominently employs Raddā metre and contains more than 8000 verses. The study of such an Apabhramsa work is important in more than one respect. At present its prime importance lies in the help that it renders to the students of modern Indian regional languages in tracing out their development. The metres employed by Apabhramsa writers and occasional metrical experiments made by thean are noteworthy. Moreover, high flight of imagination and poetical charm are found throughout Apabhraíša epic poems. In all these respects, Neminaiucariya is really a very impor. tant work.
I heartily thank Prof. H. C. Bhayani and Prof. M. C. Modi for critically editing such an important and voluminous work. This is only a part of the entire work. In the second volume the work will be complete. The editors intend to give in a separate volume the general introduction covering impor. tant topics like life and work of the author; language, metre, and form of the poem etc, together with a glossary of important words of the text.
I hope that this publication will be of very great value for the studepts of Apabhramsa language and literature.
L. D. Institute of Indology, AHMEDABAD-9
Dalsukh Malvania
Jain Education International 2010_05
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