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An Outline for Boys and Girls and their Parents.
Arm Chair Science. A History of Science Astrological Magazine. Atoms and the Universe. Children's Newspaper. Comprehensive Treatise on Inor
ganic and Theoritical Chemistry Cosmology Old and New.
Essential Unity of All Religions. Revolution.
Jain Education International 2010_04
Frist Principle.
History of the World.
Indian Philosophy.
Introduction to Science.
Mysterious Universe. Nature.
P. L. Geography.
Physics and Philosophy.
Physical Review.
Positive Science of Ancient
Relativity and
by Denton.
Restless Universe.
Science and Culture. Science and Religion.
Book of Physics.
The Great Design.
The Mechanism of Nature.
The Modern Review of Calcutta.
The Nature of the
Thesis on Energy.
The Sunday News of India. The World in Modern Science.
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