अपम (1) अस्ति (D) सम्मान किया अभिनन्दन (0उमर (0) असम ()
The being that was to be Suparshvanath had done harsh penance and deep spiritual practices in his earlier birth as king Nandisen of Kshetrapuri. He then reincarnated as a god in the sixth Graiveyak dimension.
From the dimension of gods this soul descended into the womb of queen Prithvi Devi, wife of king Pratishthasen of Varanasi. During her pregnancy the queen did not loose her normal shapely figure, as generally happens. As her flanks still remained attractive, the child, when born, was named Suparshva.
When Suparshva became young he was married and later ascended the throne. He ably conducted the affairs of the state and looked after the well being of his people. One day while he was enjoying the nature sitting at the roof top, he observed the falling of leaves and wilting of flowers. Suddenly he became aware of the transient nature of life. This gave a rise to the feeling of detachment and desire for spiritual upliftment. He gave his kingdom to his son and became an ascetic. After nine months of disciplined practices he became an omniscient on the sixth day of the dark half of the month of Phalgun. For a long period he worked for the spread of right knowledge. He got liberated on the seventh day of the bright half of the month of Phalgun at Sammetshikhar.
८. भगवान चन्द्रप्रभ
चन्द्रानना नगरी के स्वामी महासेन राजा की रानी थी-लक्ष्मणा। वैजयंत विमान से चवकर एक महान् आत्मा ने रानी के गर्भ में प्रवेश किया। रानी ने १४ शुभ स्वप्न देखे। स्वप्न फल जानकर सर्वत्र यह चर्चा होने लगी-“महारानी की होने वाली संतान महान् भाग्यशाली चक्रवर्ती या तीर्थंकर होगी।" एक रात रानी चाँदनी रात में आकाश में चमकते चन्द्र को देख रही थीं कि उनके मन में एक विचित्र दोहद (इच्छा) उत्पन्न हुआ कि क्यों न मैं इस चन्द्रमण्डल की आभा को ही पी जाऊँ। राजा ने बड़ी बुद्धिमानी से रानी के विचित्र दोहद की पूर्ति की।
पौष कृष्णा १३ को पुत्र का जन्म हुआ तब देखा कि पुत्र का वर्ण चन्द्रमा की भाँति एकदम उज्ज्वल शुभ्र छवि लिये हुए है। चन्द्र-पान का दोहद और चन्द्र जैसी शरीर प्रभा देखकर गजा ने पुत्र का नाम 'चन्द्रप्रभ' रखा।
Illustrated Tirthankar Charitra
सचित्र तीर्थंकर चरित्र
Jain Education International 2010_03
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