human society in the fields of knowledge, arts, entertainment, administration, etc. are said to be his contributions. (R-1/e)
Then one day, on the request of the people's representatives. Nabhiraja nominated Rishabh to become the first king of this age. He arranged for an elaborate coronation ceremony and handed over the reigns of the state to Rishabh Kumar. The ceremony was attended by all members of the family, large numbers of twins, and gods. The gods created a golden throne and annointed Rishabh with the water collected from various pilgrimage centres. They attired him in divine dress and ornaments and formally put the crown on his head. The twins humbly poured water on his feet from the cups made of lotus leaves. Rishabh became the first king of this era. The king of gods ordered Kuber, the god of wealth, to construct a suitable city. This beautiful city was named Vinita; later on it became popularly known as Ayodhya. (R-2) Preaching the Path of Renunciation
· For many years Rishabhdev continued to rule his people and open new frontiers of knowledge. During the reign of his father the population was organised into random groups only. Rishabhdev reorganised them according to their virtues, activities and professions. He established family groups like Ugrakul, Bhogkul, Rajanyakul and Kshatriyakul. He also framed social groups according to trades and professions, and broadly divided the society into three groups. Trading community was known as Vaishya, martial community was known as Kshtriya and all other people indulging in a variety of services were known as Shudra. Till his times the Brahman group was not formed.
After a long span of time (6.3 million Purva) he started loosing interest in mundane things and activities, and drifting toward detachment. He felt that he should transfer all his responsibilities to his sons and proceed towards liberation through spiritual practices. He also desired to reach the state of omniscience and consequently show the path of disciplined life and spiritual practices. His concept was that indulgence in mundane things does not give happiness. It gives only an illusion of happiness. True happiness is derived out of freedom from mundane indulgences.
Following the stream of his thoughts Rishabhdev divided the area of his rule between his one hundred sons. Bharat was given the state of Ayodhya and Bahubali that of Takshashila. Getting free of the responsibilities of the state, Rishabhdev decided to take Diksha (the formal initiation into the ascetic way). At that time the gods from the edge of the universe (the Lokantikdev) arrived and requested, “O savior of the human race ! Your desire to show the path of renunciation to the mankind is admirable, kindly proceed soon to the task of propagating Dharma."
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प्रथम तीर्थकर भगवान ऋषभदेव
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Bhagavan Rishabhdev, The First Tirthankar