पद्म सरोवर
16. A Tirthankar has eight auspicious attributes; not a Kewali. 17. A Tirthankar has thirty four unique attributes; not a Kewali. 18. A Tirthankar's speech has thirty five unique attributes; not a Kewali's. 19. A Tirthankar in his progression to purity does not touch the I, II, III, V and XI
Gunasthans (the specific stages on the path of purity); whereas a Kewali may
touch all Gunasthans except the XI. 20. A Tirthankar does not have Kewali-Samudghat (a special process of spirito
physical transformation); a Kewali has. 21. A Tirthankar is born in the Kshatriya caste. A Kewali may be from any and all
castes 22. A Tirthankar has Sam-chaturasra Samsthan (one of the six types of anatomical
structures). A Kewali may have any of the six. 23. The minimum and maximum age of a Tirthankar is 72 years and 8.4 million
Purvas respectively. In case of a Kewali it is 9 years and 10 million Purvas. 24. The height of a Tirthankar may be between 7 Haath (about seven feet) and 500
Dhanush (about 2000 feet). A Kewali is between 2 Haath and 20 feet. 25. A Tirthankar may exist only in fifteen specific Karma-bhumi's (the worlds of
action). A Kewali may exist anywhere in the two and a half continents. 26. A Tirthankar is always self initiated. A Kewali may also be initiated by others. 27. A Tirthankar exists only in the third and fourth parts of the six part half cycle of
time. A Kewali exists generally in the fourth part, however, one born in the fourth
part may attain the status during the fifth part also. 28. Two Tirthankars never happen to meet each other; whereas Kewalis do. 29. The minimum number of Tirthankars existing at one time is twenty and maximum
is 170. For Kewali's these numbers are 20 million and 90 million. 30. The Ganadhars create the twelve canons based on Tirthankar's preachings. This is
not so in case of a Kewali. 31. A Tirthankar does not face any afflictions after he becomes an omniscient. A
Kewali may have to face. 32. A Samavasaran (divine pavilion) is created for a Tirthankar; not for a Kewali. 33. The first discourse of a Tirthanker is never a failure; it is not necessarily so in case
of a Kewali. 34. The soul of a Tirthankar always descends from the dimension of gods or ascends
from hell. The soul of a Kewali may come from any of the four dimensions. 35. In case of a Tirthankar the Vedaniya Karma (the Karma of sufference) is of good
bad quality and the remaining non-vitiating Karmas are of exclusively good quality. In case of a Kewali only the Ayushya Karma (age determining) is of
exclusively good quality, the remaining three being good-bad. 36. Only worthy souls arrive in the assembly of a Tirthankar; whereas in a Kewali's
assembly even unworthies may come. 37. There is only one Tirthankar in one specific area. Kewali's may be many.
(according to Pravachan Saroddhar) परिशिष्ट १०
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Appendix 10
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