Sugupta also became worried. King Shatanik and queen Mrigavati also got the news that Shraman Mahavir was wandering in Kaushambi without food or water for four months. Everyone was sad and worried. The ruling family went for Bhagavan Mahavir's Darshan and requested him to accept food. But he was unmoved.
Five months and twenty five days had passed since Bhagavan Mahavir had eaten anything. The twenty sixth day of the sixth month dawned. It was past noon when Prabhu Vardhaman, wandering for alms, was approaching the house of merchant Dhanavah. An expectant crowd followed him.
Chandana was sitting on the threshold of the cellar, one feet inside and the other outside. In her hand was a basket and in the basket, stale pulse-bran. When she looked at the shackles on her limbs a broken dream emerged in her memory and she became lost. All of a sudden she heard the sound of approaching footsieps, and a murmur of a crowd. She looked up and found that the great saviour Shraman Mahavir was standing at her door. Chandana became enthralled. She thought, “Thank lord ! You have yourself come to my rescue from this pitiable condition." A glow of happiness dawned on her face. She forgot all her misery, the pain turned into joy as if every cell in her body was dancing. She tried to stand, "Welcome O lord ! Please accept something from these wretched hands." Prabhu took a step forward and stopped. Twelve out of the thirteen conditions of his resolution were visible, only Chandana had no tears in her eyes. Mahavir turned and started moving away.
As soon as Mahavir turned, Chandana's joy vanished as if struck by lightening, “How unluckily I am that even in this wretched condition Prabhu has returned empty handed from my door." Filled with self pity she started crying.
Mahavir turned back and looked. All conditions of his resolution were visible now. He stepped ahead and extended her cupped palms before Chandana. Joyous Chandana took the pulse-bran from the basket and put it in the extended palms of Bhagavan Mahavir. Mahavir broke his fast. (M-24)
The next moment Chandana's shackles shattered to pieces. Divine drums sounded in the sky. Divine applause echoed from all directions, “Hail the almsgiving." Flowers, fragrant water and perfumes showered from thế sky and the courtyard of Dhanavah was filled with heaps of gems. Her beauty had magnified thousand fold. Gods and goddesses adorned Chandana with beautiful garments and ornaments.
This resolution of the period of penance of Bhagavan Mahavir may be deemed as the first step of the human endeavour for women's liberation. Illustrated Tirthankar Charitra
सचित्र तीर्थकर चरित्र