the demon king crying with fear, then the sparkling Vajra followed by the king of
The demon king transformed himself into a tiny being and took refuge behind Mahavir's feet. He uttered, “Prabhu ! I am under your protection, kindly save me." As the Vajra was about to hit him and explode, Indra caught it and disabled it. Chamarendra was trembling with fear and Shakrendra was boiling with anger. Mahavir lifted his open palm and blessed them both. Indra said to Chamarendra, "Demon king ! What you have done is unpardonable ? But by taking refuge with Bhagavan Mahavir you have tied my hands. As he has forgiven you I am leaving you unharmed. You may go." The demon king, free of the fear and the king of gods, free of anger, bowed before Bhagavan Mahavir and left for their respective abodes. (M-23/2)
The Deliverance of Chandana
From the capital town Kaushambi, king Shatanik ruled over the state of Vats. His chief queen Mrigavati was the daughter of Maharaj Chetak of Vaishali republic. Anga was a neighbouring state and its capital was Champa. The king of पद्म this state was Maharaj Dadhivahan. His queen Dharini was the younger | सरोवर daughter of Chetak. Dharini had a daughter named Vasumati who was very beautiful as well as graceful.
Once, when king Dadhivahan had gone with his army to assist a neighbouring king, Shatanik attacked Champa. The cruel soldiers of Kaushambi
समुद्र plundered Champa. The general and a great Charioter of Kaushambi, Kakmukh was attracted more by beauty rather than riches. He entered the palace and kidnapped queen Dharini and Vasumati. On the way when Kakmukh intended to violate her chastity, queen Dharini committed suicide. When Vasumati also threatened to do so, he had a change of heart. He took her to his home as a daughter. When his wife did not tolerate Vasumati, he was persuaded by
विमानVasumati to auction her in the slave market and please his wife with the
भवन proceeds.
Kakmukh took Vasumati to the slave market. In the auction the highest bidder was a courtesan from Kaushambi. There was an altercation when Vasumati refused to go with her.
राशि Just at that moment a rich merchant from Kaushambi arrived there. Seeing the commotion he enquired, "What is going on here ?"
Someone from the crowd said, "Today a slave girl, lifted from Champa, has been brought for sale at a hundred thousand golds. She looks like a divine beauty. A courtesan has bought her but she refuses to go with her. She appears to
निधूम be a high born and chaste girl."
भगवान महावीर : श्रमण-जीवन
Bhagavan Mahavir : The Life as an Ascetic
Jamu Terracotaros
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