पद्य सरोवर
The serpent continued to stare with surprise. Confused by its failure it was lost in its thoughts.
Involved in his spiritual pursuits, Mahavir uttered in his deep and tranquil voice, "O Chandakaushik ! Open your inner eyes. Be calm and remember your past life. Do not inject venom of anger in your life. Rise above the deadly poison of anger.
Mahavir opened his ambrosia filled eyes. When the serpent met his gaze, it felt as if a wave of peace and tranquility had engulfed its inner self. It appeared that its venom was slowly vanishing. It was lost in deep thoughts. Its dormant memory started unfolding and it acquired Jatismaran Jnan. Incidents from its past two births surfaced in its memory. It realized that it had suffered excruciating pain and degradation due to extreme anger and acute attachment during those births. The heat of repentance melted its vices.
Its spirit embraced enlightenment and mind became tranquil. It touched the pious feet of Bhagavan Mahavir and resolved, "O Lord ! Now I will not look at any one at all throughout my life. I will not eat anything. I will not drink also. I will just put my mouth in the hole and lie still in the shadow of your feet. I will now at one for all my sins committed during the last three births and improve my future."
Knowing that the serpent had become harmless, throngs of people started arriving from nearby villages. They worshipped the serpent-god by offering milk and sweets. But the serpent was lying, keeping its hood in the hole, in meditation without even a trace of movement. Swarms of ants were attracted by the sweets. They started stinging the serpent. But the serpent tolerated these afflications with equanimity. It silently took the last vow (fast unto death). It tolerated the agony of hunger, thirst and the stings of ants. Its body became almost perforated, but it did not react at all. After fifteen days it died and was reborn as a god in the Sahasrar dimension. (M-17) Quashing of the Flames
Once, leaving Shravasti, Shraman Vardhaman was going to Haliddug village. On the way he saw a large banyan tree. Finding it suitable, he went under it and started his night meditation. It was winter and a cold wind was blowing. Gaushalak was also following him. As Gaushalak could not tolerate the piercing wind, he shifted to the other side of the tree. After some time some wayfarers also stopped under the tree. They collected dry wood and started a fire to cook food. They spent the night there and kept the fire burning.
Early in the morning they broke camp and went away. The fire was left burning. Slowly it spread and engulfed the surrounding dry twigs and leaves भगवान महावीर : श्रमण-जीवन
( 886 ) Bhagavan Mahavir : The Life as an Ascetic
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