Famous dream readers of Vaishali arrived into the assembly hall. Maharaj Siddharth and Devi Trishla greeted the dream readers and scholars of eight pronged system of augury, and offered them high seats. The king said to them, "Scholars of augury ! Last night in the early hours of the morning, Priyakarini, Videhdinna Devi Trishla saw 14 auspicious dreams. Kindly interpret these dreams on the basis of your knowledge and experience of the science of augury and satisfy the curiosity of all of us."
The augurs listened to the details of the dreams from Devi Trishla and beamed with joy. Pondering over, they interpreted the dreams as follows
"O king of kings ! Maharaj Siddharth ! According to the science of dreams there are 72 auspicious dreams. Out of these, 42 indicate of ordinary benefits and remaining 30 of great benefits. The dreams the fortunate Devi Trishla has seen are the fourteen great dreams that indicate extremely auspicious and divine gains in the near future. According to these dreams Devi Trishla will give birth
to a son who will become a Chakravarti, but ...... वृषभ
Maharaj ! According to the scriptures there already have been 12 Chakravartis, the prescribed number for this cycle of time. However, one DharmChakravarti (Emperor of religion) is still to be born. As such, all the signs and circumstances point at the fact that your son, the benefactor of mankind, will be
a Dharm-Chakravarti.” लक्ष्मी
King Siddharth amply rewarded the dream-readers and sent them home with due honour. (M-6) The Auspicious Birth • It was spring time and the nature was in full bloom. The atmosphere was
clean and pure. Cool and fragrant breeze infused joy in every particle in the पुष्पमाला
nature. In the soundless quietitude of the midnight, the sky was fluorescent with milky moonlight. The auspicious date was the thirteenth of the bright half of the month of Chaitra. The moon was in conjunction with the Uttaraphalguni Nakshatra (lunar mansion), the sign of victory. At that auspicious moment
Mother Trishla gave birth to a divine child. चन्द्र
The child was the embodiment of divine light. As soon as it was born, the world was filled with radiant light. It appeared as if, to behold this divine light even the blind were blessed with eyes. This light penetrated even the oppressingly dense darkness of the hell. The hell beings forgot their pain. Quarrels, fights, and battles stopped. Those suffering from a life time of hunger and thirst experienced a divine feeling of fulfilment. All around cool and fragrant breeze started blowing. Patients of chronic ailments felt cured. Natural enemies Illustrated Tirthankar Charitra
सचित्र तीर्थकर चरित्र विमल (स ) अनन्त
धर्म LG