as a post-position--saŭ<samcem. Final long -i is almost invariably written short : e.g. utfor (49431) pāņī for pāņī <pānīyam, afgif (49/13), kalihär for hāri = kalihārikā 'a quarrelsome woman', STR ( 49/20) bhikhāry for bhikhārī (beggar ý <bhikṣu-kurika), gli (16/22) sukili for sukilī -= fem. of sts. sukila = sukdom, frais, ( 5/15 ) kūpadi for di (karpaţika), sfia (39/6 ) kuļuñbi = kudumbi, now kurmi (kutumbika), difes ( 15/6 ) for poli (polikā), etc. Even for the Sanskrit orareft we have a sts. pk- anyāx- (50/22). But we have the proper long vowel in aet (43/25 ) ahedi =ākietika, isih (39/18) bhandūri ( = bhārārī?) <bhāņdāgārika “store-keeper', erat ( 43/3) kohiiwi “an angry woman' (<*krodhāpitā, *krodhūpitikā), atent ( 52/18) pathi (pustikī). -
Examples of i, u, e, o vowels : # ( 47/27) sidha (siddha), vite (23/8) mīta (mitra), atat (14/16) bidi<biddā, sts.<vidyā (but Ara ( 37/30 ) nita<nitta, sts.<nitya), 9 (21/28) pūpa=apūpa, Faetor- ( 34/23) = bihämna (i. e. bihăņa) (vibhāna), t ( 51/19) sījha = sidhyati, fare (52/18 ) liha=likhati, Tufo ( 47/9) gābhiņi ( garbhiņi), fafers (19/19)= bisithu (for bisīthu ?) (visista), 3T (5/4) äthi (= asti), kur= ( 50/17) īsára (iscarca); ga ( 42/3) chúti for chuti (ksupti), ga- pūtu (common) (putraḥ ), 7 (45/12) rūtha (ruşta), FIT (45/15) sātu ( saktu), 713 (39/11) nāu (for nãū) (nūpita), 37% ( 34/22) ünha for únha? (usna), sts. F (common) dharmu (dharmaḥ), HEIST (40/20) mahāutu ( mahāmātrah), OTİS, 713, iš (various )= gāivu (grāmaḥ, grāmam), Heir (50/29) süd for suwă ( suka-); 16 ( 38/20) beside the ( 49/23 )= gorū (gorūpa);
teka (<ěkka<ēka), sag (21/31 )= ghië (ghrtena), até (11/13) pāņde for •păre? (pandita), is (common) deu (devah, devam), (5/24) dharme (dharmena), ** (30/1) sẽpha (sleşman, sémhg), (4648) löga (loka), pellet (40/28) hatholī (hasta-tālika), 345 oda (35/11 ) beside stia- õda (36/10 )=ārdra, and its (21/14) oda for oờa=udra, or odra, “a tribe of diggers of the soil'; is common) ghoda (=ghoțaḥ), AR (34/30) = mõsē (with stolen property (mosya-), TATE (51/19 ) rašoi (rasavati kitchen>cooking'), sta (49/25) topo (= stūpa), qat ( 56/17) parotā ( ='servant?, <para-rytta-), 2477 (50/17) soñwa ( = svāpayati); etc.
Š 7. 'Apart from the above simple vowels đi ở đ č o, there appear to have developed two diphthongs, namely, ai and au. The GIA. long diphthorgs āi`and āu had become e and o in MIA., and in the NIA. (Old Kosali), đ+ and åt i when they were contiguous could combine into ai and au, in the pronunciation of which the sounds of the.component elements were maintained. It would appear that the
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