proximity, 21 i unstable. 22 nominative affix - 52 noun-bases 52 numbers 54. numerals 65 oblique case 59 (7) Old Awadhi I Old Kosalı I. optative p. 55 parasmai-pada 70 participle
conjunctive, 80 past (passive ) 82 present, 8: present causative, 81
present passive, 81 particles 89 passive base
-new, p. 54 passive
construccions yo (i) forms 70
progressiva 78 - pronominal
adjectives 68 adverbs 60
forms, origin of, 67 pronouns 66 pronunciation of 3-2 pronunciation of a 3 proverbial expressioas 91 reduction of ā to ă 5 reduction of -ai 39 root
OIA, 70 rudhi words 51 Sanskrit loans 46 Sanskrit semi-tatsamas 45 Sanskrit tatsamas 45 sentences p. 68 sibilants 32 simplification of consonant groups 35 simplified consonants 41 sound of v 23 speech-rythm 6 substantive roots p. 54 substantive verbs 88 tenses p. 55 f compound, 78–79
participial, 75-77 radical, 71-74
simple, 71-77 udvrtta vowels 37, 38, 39 verbal noun in -aba 84
in -ana 83 verb-bases 70 verbs of des'i origin 44 verbs of motion 90 (h) visarga 33 voices pp. 54-55 vowels
simple, 4 vowel combinations 8
length 6
quantity 38 word order go (a)
conditional 76 intransitive 75 (i) transitive 75 (ii)
progressive 78 plural 55
affixes 57
honorific, 9a (g) plural oblique affix 58 poetftal passages 91 post-positions 60 « origin of, 63 Prakrit semi-tatsanias 5, 34
negative, 50 (i)
privative, 50 (x), present
active 71 passive 72 'third person singular 39 prefect 79
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