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सचित्र उत्तराध्ययन सूत्र
directions. Sambaadha-where large number of people of all the four castes dwell. Aashrampadahermitage. Vihaara-temple of deities. Sannivesh-resting place for travellers. Samaaja-assembly. Ghosh-village of cowherds. Sthali-village at high places like hills. Saarth-caravan. Samvarta-place of refuge for frightened people. Kotta-fortified place. Vaad-houses with fencing. Rathya-streets of village or town. (Vrihad Vritti)
Verse 19-Six patterns of movement for collecting alms
(i) Peta (box)-A box has four sides, as such to move in a group of houses tracing a rectangle leaving the houses in the middle.
(ii) Aardhapeta (half box)-To move tracing only two sides of a rectangle in a group of houses. (iii) Gomutrika (zigzag line)-To move in a zig-zag line in a group of houses.
(iv) Patangavithika (moth's flight)-To move like a moth's flight with random stoppage in a group of houses.
(v) Shambukaavart (conch-like spiral)-To trace a spiral path starting from outside or inside a group of houses.
(vi) Aayatamgatya-pratyaagata (going in a straight line and retracing it)-To go in a straight line and retracing it on a straight road in a group of houses. There are two alternatives for this—to collect from houses on one side while going and from the other side while returning or to collect only from one side.
Verse 31 There are ten kinds of atonement austerity1. Aalocanaarha-To express one's faults before the guru. 2. Pratikaramanaarha-To utter 'michchhaami dukkadam' in order to get rid of sins. 3. Tadubhayaarha-To perform both these to get rid of sins. 4. Vivekaarha-To reject any faulty food brought forth.
5. Vyutsargaarha-To observe dissociation-meditation (kaayotsarg) while chanting panegyrics to twenty four Tirthankars.
6. Tapaarha-To observe fast and other austerities.
7. Chhedaarha-To extend the appointed time of initiation. (Curtailing the total expected time of ascetic life.)
8. Mulaarha-To reinstall great vows or perform re-initiation. 9. Anavasthaapanaarha-To perform re-initiation with specified austerities.
10. Paarancikaarha-To perform re-initiation only after punishment of ignoring and censuring for a long period (this is prescribed only in case of severe faults. (Sthananga Sutra, 10)
Verse 33—There are ten categories of austerity of serving others-1. to acharya (head of the order, 2. to upadhyaya (teacher of the canon), 3. to sthavira (senior ascetic), 4. to tapasvi (austerity performer), 5. to glaan (ailing), 6. to shaiksha (neo-initiate), 7. to Kula (group of gachchhas or a group of ascetics following a specific praxis), 8. to Gana (group of Kulas), 9. to Sangh (group of Ganas), and 10. to Saadharmik (co-religionists).
Verse 36—Although the term Vyutsarg means any kind of dissociation including that from ascetic-equipment (upadhi) as well as passions, kayotsarg is most important and it envelopes all other dissociations. As such here only kayotsarga is included in vyutsarga austerity.