An सचित्र उत्तराध्ययन सूत्र
The title of this chapter is Sabhikkhuyam (Sabhikshuk). There are two reasons of this - the first is every verse of this chapter ends with the phrase sa bhikkhu (sa bhikshuk), and the second is that this chapter elaborately deals with the virtues, attributes and praxis of a true ascetic.
In the preceding chapter six persons became alms-seeking homeless ascetics. The virtues and attributes of an ascetic are described in this chapter.
The word bhikshu (beggar) conveys a special meaning here. It exclusively denotes true ascetic; an alms-seeker who accepts donation that has all round benefits. He who begs to continue his pursuit of ascetic-discipline and at the same time provides automatic benefit to the donor.
It is a fact that an ascetic, who has renounced wealth and woman as well as home and possessions to practice austerities, also needs some essential means for subsistence and security. He acquires them from noble householders by begging.
In course of this begging he has to face insults many a time. He also has to endure afflictions related to cold, heat, bed, lodging and the like. But he is never annoyed..
True ascetic maintains a faultless praxis and avoids deceit and ambition. He does not encourage intimacy with worldly people, avoids eating after sunset, explores alms in unknown and unacquainted families and does not crave for any likeable thing, live or lifeless. Self-uplift is his sole goal.
In this chapter the virtues and attributes of a faultless alms-subsisting true ascetic, who treads the path of ascetic-discipline, have been discussed in brief.
The chapter contains 16 verses.