date 27 Agums have been published. Among those keen in studies this illustrated series is very popular. Stocks of the first editions of almost all published Agams have exhausted and the demand still continues. For this reason we have gone for second editions of many these Agums. This revised second edition is part of this program of re-issues. As there were some shortcomings in the English translation of the first edition, Shri Surendra Bothara, who has translated majority of Agams of this series, was entrusted with the responsibility of translating this Agam in English once again. He has completed the task in his lucid style. We are sure the English language readers will appreciate the change. With the good wishes that curiour devotees may study this pious Agam and fill their life with the glow of spiritual light.
--Pravartak Amar Muni
Jinendra Bhawan, Ludhiana Bhadrapad Sud 12 9-9-2011
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