Illustrated Acharanga Sutra (Parts 1 and 2)
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This is the first among the eleven Angas. It contains lucid description of ahimsa, samyaktva, samyam, titiksha and other fundamentals propagated by Bhagavan Mahavir. Eye-witness-like description of the life of Bhagavan Mahavir and his pre-omniscience praxis as well as details about ascetic conduct and praxis form the second part. Both parts contain multi-coloured illustrations on a variety of historical and cultural themes.
Illustrated Sthananga Sutra (Parts 1 and 2)
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This is the fourth Anga Sutra. Compiled in its unique numerical placement style, this scripture is a voluminous work containing information about scriptural knowledge, science, astrology, geography, mathematics, history, ethics, conduct, psychology, judging man and hundreds of other topics. The free flowing translation and elaboration make the contents easy to understand and edifying even for common readers.
7. Illustrated Jnata Dharma Katha Sutra (Parts 1 and 2) Price Rs. 1,000/Famous inspiring and enlightening religious tales, allegories and incidents told by Bhagavan Mahavir presented with attractive colourful illustrations. This works makes the abstract philosophical principles easy to understand. This is the sixth Anga complete in two volumes.
Illustrated Upasak Dasha and Anuttaraupap -atik Dasha Sutra Price Rs. 500/
This book contains the seventh and the ninth Angas. The seventh Anga, Upasak Dasha, contains the stories of life of ten prominent Shravak disciples of Bhagavan Mahavir with a special emphasis on their religious conduct. The ninth Anga Anuttaraupapatik Dasha contains thrilling description of the lofty austerities and meditation done by thirty three specific ascetics. With colourful illustrations. 9. Illustrated Niryavalika and Vipaak Sutra
Price Rs. 600/Niryavalika has five Upangas that contain the story of the birth of king Kunik, a devout disciple of Bhagavan Mahavir. This also contains the thrilling and illustrated description of the famous Mahashilakantak war between Kunik and Chetak, the president of the republic of Vaishali. Besides these it also has lifestories of many Shramans and Shramanis of the lineage of Bhagavan Parshva Naath.
Shravak Avashyak Sutra
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