os testesiolukukukkuksiuiulululululekal e telutelekeskuskeskukseskikkkkkk
Repentance of places of great delusion : Out of all the eight Kamas, the deluding karma is most powerful. At the head of all the bad karmas is the delusion. Under the great influence of delusion, the karmic molecules that are collected by the soul is called extremely deluding kamas. Its maximum period is 70 crore x crore sagaropam. Such a karmic bondage is due to the following thirty causes
1. To kill mobile living beings by drowning them in water. 2. To kill mobile beings by wrapping their head with wet leather. 3. To kill by blocking the breath or the mouth of living beings. 4. To kill by causing suffocation through smoke. 5. To kill by striking the head with a weapon violently. 6. To kill discarding the assurance given earlier. 7. To break the vow or to treacherously do a wrong act 8. To level false accusations on others 9. Running the line facts, to speak differently in the security 10. To abduct the wife of employer or to steal his money 11. To call oneself as a celebate since birth while actually he is not 12. To declare oneself as a celebrate while actually he is not so 13. To grab the money of the person who had helped him 14. To behave in an ingratitude manner with the person who had helped him 15. To kill the security guard, the general or the ruler 16. To kill the king, the elite and the like 17. To kill the popular political leader 18. To malign the person leading his life of self-restraint 19. To talk ill about the omniscient 20. To betray the people from the path of salvation 21. To disgrace the teachers and to accuse them 22. Not to serve Acharya, Upadhyaya and Social leaders. 23. T o pose as expert in scriptures while actually he is not so 24. To call oneself as practitioner of austerities while actually it is not so
चतुर्थ अध्ययन : प्रतिक्रमण ***** P
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Avashyak Sutra **********