is completed in five and a half years. The nature of these resolves (Pratima) is as under: 1. Darsan Pratima (Resolve relating to belief): In this resolve the faith is
practiced free from all deviations. Its period is one month. Vrat Pratima (Reslove about vows) : In this resolve five partial vows, three qualitative vows are practiced meticulously. The period of this practice
is two months. 3. The resolve about samayik : In this resolve, the householder devotee
practices samayik and deshavakashik vow free from all deviations. Its
period is of three months. 4. Resolve for paushadh : The practitioner of this resolve observes paushadh
(complete fast for 24 hours while staying in Jain temple) on every eighth and fourteenth and fifteenth day of bright fortnight and fifteenth day of dark
fortnight of each month. This resolve is for five months. 5. Resolve regarding restraints : While practicing the earlier four resolves in
the day and in the night he practices certain restrictions. He discards bath and beautification of his body. He keeps his under dress loose and does not take any liquid or food at night. He spends at least one night in a month and five nights in five month in meditation or recitation of scriptures. The minimum period of his resolve is one, two or three days and maximum is five months. Resolve relating to chastity : In this resolve celibacy is observed without any exceptions. Its minimum period is one night and maximum is six months. Resolve about avoiding raw products : In this resolve one avoids all the foodstuff which contains micro life. Its minimum period is one day and
maximum is seven months. 8. Resolve discarding preparation of thing involving even subtle violence:
The minimum period of the resolve is one day and maximum is eight months. Resolve against getting caused violence : In this resolve, the shravak does not even get caused violence to any subtle living being. The minimum
period of the resolve is one day and maximum period is nine month. 10. Resolve avoiding food specially prepared for the practitioner : The
practitioner of this resolve does not accept food or water specially prepared
ಕ್ಷೇತ್ರಗಳಣಿಗಳಣಿಗಳ ಗಣಿಗ
आवश्यक सूत्र * ********
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IVth Chp. : Pratikraman